Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Week 13 in Xizhi: I'm training again!

Surprise! Surprise! I'm training again! It's funny: I have 2 sons, 1 grandson, and my MTC companion all in my current zone. Family reunion?

Elder Fredenberg hasn't ceased to amaze me since arriving on island 5 days ago. He's not afraid to open his mouth and try new things, and his Chinese is quite good for a new missionary. He's the oldest of 10 children and will be attending MIT after the mission.

With my new "son" Elder Fredenberg

It was surprisingly difficult to part with Elder Steffen. We saw many a hardship and many a miracle during our time together. We both learned and grew in leaps and bounds, and we gave Xizhi our everything. I felt like a part of me was gone upon going our separate ways, but it's all good. It's not really goodbye.

Hard to say good-bye to Elder Steffen

Xizhi will miss you

Calligraphy a member took nearly 4 hours to write, given as a gift to me (lyrics to "Come, come, ye Saints")

I finished reading the Book of Mormon again today. I think I read it more thoughtfully and with greater understanding than ever before, and I'm excited to start again. As I've read, I've been blessed to come closer to my Savior.

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." ~The Book of Mormon~

I'm grateful for the Savior, Jesus Christ. He's s made me everything I am, and I know He has a plan for me and for you. I invite you to learn more about that plan today: www.mormon.org

Choose to be happy today :) 

All is well, 
Elder Dickson 

Last week I was able to see some superheroes on P-day

Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 12 part 2

Here are some pictures of celebrating the Chinese New Year!

Feasting at CNY!

All you can eat BBQ today with Brother Liao

With the parents of the Chen Family (they have 3 wonderful daughters) and Sister Ning 

A burger place we found

Online Prosyleting at work

My new fancy Book of Mormon

week 12 in Xizhi: visiting a volcano and the talk I gave at church on Sunday

We started the week off with an exchange with the zone leaders; it was really good for me. Granted we did run a 5k for morning exercise. Had I known how far we were going I wouldn't have moved at the pace I did. Haha. A few things Monday and Tuesday reminded me of my days as a new missionary (particularly Miaoli). We set some goals Monday night and worked with faith to reach them. Miracle after miracle occurred. We taught someone to pray on the street for the first time in a long time. It felt amazing. I think I've gotten to the point where I feel like I know what I'm doing for the most part, and so I don't rely on the Lord as I once did. As a result, I think my expectations have lessened and I've just assumed my best was enough when really my best will never be enough. I need to rely more on the Lord. Relying on Him will allow me to raise expectations and have the faith to see miracles each day in His service. I'm grateful for the growth I've made and for continued learning.

Combined District Meeting


Getting to see my MTC companion

Exchanges with zone leaders

Today has been the week of the Chinese New Year. We've been alternating between doing the mandatory deep cleaning of our poor apartment and eating til we explode in the homes of amazing members.

My Study Area

Taiwanese people are too nice (I asked a guy where I could go to get a part for my bike and he fixed it on the spot)

Social media is making sharing our English class much easier: especially effective is Elder Steffen's new website he coded for the class: taiwaneng.com

I spoke in church yesterday. I was pretty sick and couldn't stop coughing before and afterwards, but I was blessed to be able to deliver my talk without issue. I spoke on the Spirit.

God is our loving Father in Heaven. He is all-knowing and His love is both perfect and infinite. He works through various means to give us guidance in our lives to bring us happiness, security, and success. More than anything else, He wants us to one day return back to live with Him. One of the main ways He communicates with us is through the Spirit.

"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."
Moroni 10:5

The home phone is a decent piece of equipment, and it's certainly preferred over earlier innovations, but it has one major drawback. It's severely limited in mobility.

In our day, most everyone uses cell phones. With the advent of the cell phone we can communicate most anywhere at any time.

Before we are baptized and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, we have only a home phone to receive heavenly direction and guidance. When we go to church, read our scriptures, serve one another, or do any other thing pleasing to God we will likely feel the presence of His Spirit. After baptism, we essentially have a spiritual cell phone.

"O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen."
Moroni 4:3

Yet, there are still situations resulting in failed communication:

No Battery
What good is a phone without any charge? We can keep our phones alive through regular CPR (Church attendance, prayer, and reading the scriptures).

No Service
Sometimes while hiking a tall mountain or in other circumstances we lose our signal. Church, our homes, and temples are all places with a good spiritual signal, but it's not possible for us to never go out into the world. "Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen."
Doctrine & Covenants 87:8 When we keep God's commandments and are worthy, almost anywhere we go can be a holy place.

Too Busy
Frequently the sister missionaries will try to get ahold of us by calling my phone. More often than not, they end up having to call my missionary companion who then relays the message to me. It's only an hour or so later when I look at my phone I learn they had attempted to call me first. We need to make sure to take a moment in our day to pause. We need to slow down a little bit and be open to receive the messages God desires to give us.

"But wickedness did prevail upon the face of the whole land, insomuch that the Lord did take away his beloved disciples, and the work of miracles and of healing did cease because of the iniquity of the people. And there were no gifts from the Lord, and the Holy Ghost did not come upon any, because of their wickedness and unbelief. But I did remain among them, but I was forbidden to preach unto them, because of the hardness of their hearts; and because of the hardness of their hearts the land was cursed for their sake." Mormon 1:13-14, 17 If we never answer our phone or answer and consistently refuse to help when called upon, people eventually just won't bother calling us. This doesn't mean they don't still care about us, but they know us well enough to know it won't do any good to call. When the Lord speaks to us by way of His Spirit, we need to be quick to act. Let the Lord know He can rely on you.

I was once driving on a fairly rural strip of road back in Missouri. I was late for something and there wasn't anything around (no people, no cars, no nothing). I used this to justify driving a little faster than normal. As I went, I had a distinct thought: "Slow down." I thought it strange as I couldn't see any reason to slow down and so dismissed the thought. Only a moment passed before I had the same clear impression: "Slow down." This time I listened and reduced my speed well below the speed limit. As I rounded the bend in the road I found there was a large deer in the middle of the road. Had I not reduced my speed, I would have hit the deer likely resulting in severe injury or death.

God called. I ended the call. I'm grateful He called again and that I was in a position allowing me to answer and respond to that call.

I know God lives and loves us. His desire is always that which is best for us. To those still using a landline, I invite you to upgrade to a cell phone sooner rather than later. To those with cell phones (those baptized and confirmed into the Lord's church), keep your phone in working condition and be prepared to take the call when it comes.

Transfers is this week. I don't expect I will be going anywhere, but we're fairly certain Elder Steffen will be moving to a new area as he has been here in Xizhi for 6 months now. I've enjoyed serving with him. I've learned a great deal, and we've had fun together working in the service of the Lord. It's been a blessing to see his growth.

To those facing temptations and trials seemingly larger than life and to those simply fighting the daily battles to live a good life I invite you to come and find peace in Christ. I have been blessed in all things as I've sought Him. He is there. I love the poem about footprints in the sand. If you don't know it, you'll have to give it a look. 

Hiking a volcano for P-day

I love my mission. I wouldn't trade it for the world. As always, all is well.

Elder Dickson

Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 11 in Xizhi

It was an incredible week. Chinese New Year is this week and transfers the next. We saw a miracle after feeling prompted to park our bikes in a strange place. It caught the eye of the mother of a young man we teach. As a result, she chased us down, and we've been able to meet the family. They also have a great crepes shop.

Great Crepes!

P-day Hike

Thank you for all your prayers with the recent earthquakes!

Serving is a joy :D

All is well!

Elder Dickson

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week 10 in Xizhi: lots of earthquakes in Taiwan

Cold week...Taiwan doesn't believe in heaters as the temperature stays fairly warm most of the time. Most of the time...add the incessant downpour and it's a fun time. I did get waterproof gloves though, so all is well.

Board games and pizza with much of the zone was fun today. We played some Avalon and Jungle Speed, and Pizza Hut all-you-can-eat pizza isn't a bad deal either ;)

鄧文輝 Harry's Baptism

We were excited Harry was able to be baptized this past weekend. It was special to see him go from Family Mart to the font. It was only 8 or so weeks ago we met him while he was at work. We chatted for a moment and became fast friends. It was a privilege to see his understanding and faith grow step by step. I was overjoyed to hear of his testimony of the Savior on Saturday, and I was especially glad to hear of his testimony of the Book of Mormon. He read the following excerpt from President Nelson's talk on the Book of Mormon (I'll attach the full talk at the bottom):

"Immersing ourselves regularly in the truths of the Book of Mormon can be a life-changing experience. One of our missionary granddaughters, Sister Olivia Nelson, promised an investigator that if he would read the Book of Mormon daily, his test scores on his university exams would improve. He did, and they did."

He then shared of a test he had been preparing to take for a time now and that he had some anxiety over it. He decided he would put the Book of Mormon to the test and studied it each day. He got his results the day before the baptism and found he had passed.

I love what is taught in Alma 31:5
"And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just—yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them—therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God."

The" words of God" (scriptures) carry great power. As we read, we come to a better understanding of who God is, who we are, and how we can find greater peace and joy in both our current circumstances and far into the future.

I've also found greater happiness and satisfaction in sharing the gospel with my own grandfather, Grandpa Bob, than I've felt in a long time. I love studying the scriptures together with him as we both learn together and as my grandpa just has the best sense of humor of anyone you've ever known.

Pres. Nelson's talk on the Book of Mormon. Give it a look :D  His talk

Enjoy your week! Choose to be happy today :)

All is well,
Elder Dickson

Reed has now experienced at least 5 Earthquakes and quite a few Typhoons on his mission.  On P-day he wrote that the whole building shook, teetered, and swayed and that was 2 days before the big Earthquake today.  There's actually been 10 Earthquakes in Taiwan in just the last 3 days.