Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Week 13 in Xizhi: I'm training again!

Surprise! Surprise! I'm training again! It's funny: I have 2 sons, 1 grandson, and my MTC companion all in my current zone. Family reunion?

Elder Fredenberg hasn't ceased to amaze me since arriving on island 5 days ago. He's not afraid to open his mouth and try new things, and his Chinese is quite good for a new missionary. He's the oldest of 10 children and will be attending MIT after the mission.

With my new "son" Elder Fredenberg

It was surprisingly difficult to part with Elder Steffen. We saw many a hardship and many a miracle during our time together. We both learned and grew in leaps and bounds, and we gave Xizhi our everything. I felt like a part of me was gone upon going our separate ways, but it's all good. It's not really goodbye.

Hard to say good-bye to Elder Steffen

Xizhi will miss you

Calligraphy a member took nearly 4 hours to write, given as a gift to me (lyrics to "Come, come, ye Saints")

I finished reading the Book of Mormon again today. I think I read it more thoughtfully and with greater understanding than ever before, and I'm excited to start again. As I've read, I've been blessed to come closer to my Savior.

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." ~The Book of Mormon~

I'm grateful for the Savior, Jesus Christ. He's s made me everything I am, and I know He has a plan for me and for you. I invite you to learn more about that plan today: www.mormon.org

Choose to be happy today :) 

All is well, 
Elder Dickson 

Last week I was able to see some superheroes on P-day

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