Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 5: I experienced my first Earthquake this past week and I am supposed to experience a direct hit by Typhoon Megi tomorrow!


This week was a battle. I came across two of the major obstacles/trials that I've been anticipating from the time I got my call to serve in Taiwan in addition to several unexpected ones. It was interesting though. Due to my anticipation of these challenges, I've been preparing myself mentally for months to face them. So, when the time came, and I recognized that I was in the thick of it, I felt a surge of strength and inner commitment to push through. I was actually excited to have run across these difficulties so that I could face and overcome them...I also wanted some cool stories to tell ;)

Weekly Menu: Stinky Tofu (yes, it really does stink...but not too bad on the taste buds), Oreo cheesecake (there was a birthday this week), tomato egg noodle soup (it's as delicious as it sounds and quite affordable), steak (with all you can eat soup on the side), chocolate smoothies (to celebrate my companion's 1 year on the island mark and my 1 month on the island mark, they don't have shakes in Taiwan so it's just ice with chocolate flavoring, but not bad), finally a member took us to a chidaobao (literally translates eat-til-full, always a good experience).

 Unfortunately, my stomach also finally woke up to the beating it's received these past few weeks. This is one of the aforementioned challenges I've been anticipating. There were some painful and rough times, but I feel better now and am back to my good old garbage disposal self again ;)

Steak and soup

One of my focuses this week has been on having a "stripling warrior mentality." The Book of Mormon tells a story of an army of 2000 young men who go to battle in the defense of their families, their freedoms, and their religion. They're all extremely young and inexperienced in battle, but they've been taught well by their parents, and they trust in the Lord. Alma 56: 47 talks of how they had never fought, yet did not doubt...did not fear. Alma 57: 21 talks of their exact obedience to their leaders and the commandments of God. Finally, Alma 57: 25-27--the miracle. These 2000 stripling warriors were involved in a massive battle. All were severely wounded, and thousands of their brethren were slain, but of the 2000, not one perished. They were preserved; they were empowered...because they put their trust in God and held to what they knew. They held to their faith. I'm new out here. I'm among the least experienced in the mission, but this doesn't mean I can't contribute. I can hold to those things I know. I can hold to my testimony and my faith, and, as I do these things, I know I will see miracles. 

Some sights around Hualien including the Pacific Ocean

Yet again, I want to talk a little bit about the power of specific prayer. On Thursday of this past week we went down to GuangFu (little less than an hour on the train). From there we ended up biking another 1/2 hour south. Due to several factors beyond our control, our plan was to work our way all the way back up to HuaLian throughout the day as we went about working (this would mean several hours of biking through hilly terrain at sustained high speeds). By the time we had made it the 1/2 hour south on our bikes I was dead. I wasn't going to stop, but my body was telling me that it wasn't going to keep going. Already this tired and a full day of tough riding to go...I did the only thing I could. I prayed. I prayed specifically and fervently that God would give me the strength I needed to keep moving forward, the strength to do His work, to get back home.

We continued. We worked in several towns in the area and started steadily making our way back north stopping along the way to visit people in various towns. Heavy rain met us along the way at several points, but we eventually got up to Fenglin where we met up with the bishop. He helped us with one of our lessons, but then he decided to take us to his home and make us dinner; it reminded me of my dad's cooking. He took a lot of seemingly random ingredients and made a masterpiece of a meal. We visited one more individual. It was time--time to begin a couple hours of biking hard through the night in the, at this point, buckets of rain coming down with a powerful headwind all the way. But no, the bishop got a call and learned that they were having a meeting in Hualian and wanted him to attend right at that moment if possible. Yeah, we got a ride all the way back from Fenglin to our which point we were greeted with banana chocolate cream cake...the Lord hears our prayers. They aren't always answered in the way we anticipate, but when they aren't, it's all the better :D God's plan is the best plan.
Some cultural treats:

wild monkey

frog on the table

Lots of bikes outside a restaurant


looks like a superhero hideout

Pack of wild dogs

Another of the long anticipated trials was the difficulty of biking. It was just a moment where I thought to I really doing this? The sky was unleashing its fury in the form of a strong headwind and thick, stinging rain. We were cruising along at top gear speeds down an uncomfortably thin, overgrown trail. On one side, there was a cement barrier or at times a drop into a ditch. On the other side, there were heavy, prickly, wildly overgrown bushes. We pushed through...bushes lashing us in the arms, hands, and face with mud and sweat caking our faces, but we weren't stopping. In that moment, I smiled...I actually visibly smiled (though it could be argued that it was more of a wince, but no matter). I smiled because despite the opposition and pain we faced...we were stronger. We could do it, and we would do it, with the Lord's help...(it'll be good footage to look back on in heaven)

And now to the weekly natural disaster report...over to you Bill...
There were a couple of earthquakes this week. One I felt noticeably, as the earth literally shook us, but the other not so much. We also have another typhoon in the forecast for tonight/tomorrow. Prayers are much appreciated, but whatever the case, I trust myself to the care of God.

Typhoon Megi

I got to play ping pong this week! It took me a bit to warm up, but all those nights playing in the basement with dad really paid off when I crossed a native. It was a good time...and a really good work-out...

Fun fact: The Taiwanese use the LDS gospel art everywhere. It's on the billboards and meetinghouses of other churches. It's printed and sold at random street shops, etc. They have no idea, but it's quite entertaining (probably not totally legal, but it's Taiwan...)

Last P-day we went to Water Curtain Cave again:

Those are bats!

I had the wonderful opportunity to give a blessing to a member who was feeling less than 100% this week. And...I got to do it in Chinese. The Spirit was definitely involved; otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to say much of anything. It was a very cool experience to be able and worthy to render that service.

We found and met with some amazing people this week. The Spirit was involved several times in helping us to make U-turns and find those the Lord wanted us to find. I met a guy who reminds me a ton of my uncle, Sheldon. He's super cool and I'm excited to keep working with him. 

Last week on Sunday we discussed the importance of families in priesthood meeting. We talked specifically about the role of the father in a successful family. As part of the lesson/discussion, I was asked to share what I thought my dad's three greatest strengths were. Immediately three things came to mind. Expressing them in that was a little more difficult, but I was able to get them across with a little assistance: Integrity, Diligence, and TIME. My dad has been an incredible example/role model for me and has been instrumental in helping me become who I am today. He has always taught the best way--by example. He's a busy guy...he really is...between work, church, and leadership responsibilities he's always got something to keep him busy, yet, he made it clear what was of greatest importance to him: his family. He always made time for me. This is one of the ways by which I know he loves me for love is really spelled T-I-M-E. This week I invite you to take a little extra time with the ones you love. Tell them you love them, but more importantly, give them your time. For more information on the purpose of families and how to have the most successful families possible, read The Family: A Proclamation to the World.  Here is the link:  The Family

This week is one of the best in the year. Why, you ask? It's General Conference weekend (not in Hualian as it needs to be translated first, but in America, it is)! Twice a year, the living prophet and other church leaders speak on various issues relative to the issues in the world and what we personally can do to meet them with courage. You cannot watch General Conference and not come away feeling inspired and ready to take on the world. It's incredible. If you think you've learned anything from me, you'll learn one-hundred-fold from those who will be speaking this weekend. I would invite you to watch at least some of it this weekend. It will bless your life and give you direction as to how you ought to move forward in taking on the challenges you are currently facing in your day-to-day life. I would further invite you to go with a question you would like to receive an answer to. Write it down. Watch. Listen. You will receive an answer. Here is how you can watch General Conference, remember the times listed are Mountain Time so Central time would be one hour later. Times to watch Conference

I wish you all the best!!!

All is well,Elder Dickson

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