Monday, September 5, 2016

Weel 2 in Hualian: One of the most beautiful spots on Earth, check it out!

Hello all! I hope you've all had an awesome week.

Status/Progress Report: I'm well. At times I feel like I could go on forever, and at other times it seems like I can't possibly continue, but, trusting in the Lord, my efforts are always sufficient. I've been a little "home happy" this week. I've thought fondly of my family, friends, and home town this week, but it hasn't interfered with my work. It's actually motivated me to work harder. It's been hard, but I know we're all where we're supposed to be. It's in God's hands.

We had an amazing experience last Preparation day as we were able to go to the Mugmuyu River/waterfalls in the Emerald Valley of Hualian with our zone.  It was gorgeous!

A rice field in the background.  Finally got my new bike and helmet too.

 Our zone on P-day.

Miracles: My first week at church (last week) was miraculous. The Lord enabled me to understand and speak Mandarin almost fluently throughout the meetings. I was able to introduce myself and bear powerful testimony over the pulpit in sacrament meeting as well if not better than I can in English. I also was able to contribute in lessons and even give input in ward council as to how to help the ward progress. God has also given me physical strength beyond my own. The distances we cover and the speeds at which we do so on our bikes is insane. I can't imagine trying to do this without having done Cross Country and swim team. I have been so unbelievably exhausted with miles to go yet. At those times, I've been able to say a prayer to have the strength to go on and by His power I make it. Somehow I always make it.

Our ability to teach lessons as a companionship has been incredible. We've been able to teach powerfully and simply, unified with the Spirit and one another. It's been cool to see when it works out. We've also had miracles in finding. We had a young man last night follow us on his scooter and then tell us that he's Christian and looking for a church. On another occasion, we said a prayer and then found a young man way out in the countryside who was willing to hear our message. It's undeniably the Lord's work. I also haven't been stressed despite insanity. This is definitely a blessing from God.

Riding bikes everywhere!

Lessons Learned: It's not merely about surviving. It's about not shrinking. (Bednar's "Accepting the Lord's Will and Timing") It's not an issue of living and dying, but an issue of learning, living, and becoming. D&C 121, 122. This week had been one of the most challenging weeks of my life, but I've learned tons in the process: 

-the importance of not planning past the person: When we see someone on the street it's easy to think of what we will do after we talk with them (who we might talk to next/where we might go, etc.), but we need to have the faith that each individual person wants to hear our message and can be changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to have faith in the people we meet. They are our purpose--helping them come unto Christ

-importance of testifying of truth in every contact: People we meet on the street always tell us they don't need what we have, but they can't possibly know unless we give them a taste. It's only fair to testify of some truth so that if their hearts are open the Spirit can bear witness to them and they can actually know that they need what we have to offer. We have to give them the chance to exercise the agency.

-work cures ailments: The work is hard. It just is, but when I really get working nothing else matters. It takes my mind off of all other concerns and ailments. I'm doing everything I can to lose myself in the work of the Lord. 

-the power of an attitude of gratitude: even when "everything" is going wrong, if you stop and count the many things that are going right, you'll find yourself smiling and in much better Spirits. Find someone with less than you and lift them.

-Focus on your faith: when you don't have all the answers, focus on what you do know. I know the Lord is in charge and so I can feel at peace despite present concerns (this has allowed me to have relatively no stress in very stressful situations)

-critical controls points (manufacturing analogy): control the most important things and do all you can to get those right. Leave the rest to God and don't worry yourself too much.

Family Home Evening with Members

Information: The members in Taiwan are awesome! Our greatest obstacle is that most everyone here believes their church is either the same as ours or far too different. They'll tell us their religion is different--that what works for us won't work for them. Or...they'll tell us they're already Christian and that their churches are the same even after we've explained very clearly the differences. Much of Taiwan does not believe in the existence of absolute truth. This is quite frustrating. In this line of thinking something that is true for me can be not true for you. Truth is defined as your personal beliefs. People have no trouble believing that our church is true, but they don't believe its true for them. They believe it is true for us. There aren't real "facts." the implications for society are scary with no moral absolutes of right and wrong and truth and lies.

The showers are cold, but you never dry off because you're sweating before you finish drying. Most all phones play music when you make a call. The city kind of looks like the City Museum on a large scale. Most things are built out of whatever can be found. Mixed in are super high-teach, sparkling new constructions.

The food is ridiculously good at times,

and other times quite odd. I had a dish called a hot pot this week full of random items ("foods") none of which I recognized (felt like the Emperor's New Groove when Cuzco is trying out the caterpillar thing). I learned after eating it about the pig blood rice patties and "special" fish among other things I consumed.
The "hot pot": where food is cooked on the table as the table has burners on it and you watch it cook.

They all told me it was their favorite and that everyone ate it. Turns out my trainer had never been brave enough to try it. Being the good sport he is, he tried it after I did.

There are funny English translation errors everywhere. Bats also rule the skies at night.

When you fast in Taiwan you don't fast water. It was really quite difficult regardless to hold myself up after the change in portion sizes and then missing a couple of meals, but God gave me strength once again. Due to poor planning we had peanut butter noodle sandwiches among other things for our break the fast meal. English class is a blast. P-day=Paradise day.

Our focus as a district is faith and diligence 1 Ne. 16:28-30, so that we might receive guidance.  verse 29 "And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things."

Dinner appointments are crazy. Everyone just grabs what they want from the dishes in the middle. Another miracle is that I've been able to eat well with chopsticks after having never used them before. Taiwan has some crazy people, but we talk to and love everyone. We ran the gauntlet this week through swarms of angry dogs on a dark country road. We just had to give them some good barks and let them know who the biggest dogs were. We also put some real speed on. 

Invitation/Quote/Scripture: Matt 10:39 "I asked, "Are you really willing to pay so great a price for the gospel?"...he answered, "It's true, isn't it?"...I responded, "Yes, it's true." To which he replied, "Then what else matters?" -Pres. Hinckley the Gospel is truly everything. This week I invite you to choose one thing you can do be a little better this week--to change your life for the better...and do it. I also want to follow-up and re-invite all to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. If you don't have a copy, they're free and it's easy to get one. Please do this. It will bring so much joy and meaning into your life. It has already done this for me and will do so for you too if you exercise some faith and let it.

Summary: All is well. It's unbelievably saddening to see others reject a message that I could give all my life for. I can't imagine what would happen if they could see its true worth with their eyes. It'd be like giving out free diamonds (only better), but that isn't the Lord's way. Only the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can ever, truly, save a life. It's true! Even firefighters can't do what we do. We are literally working to save their souls! 

Sorry it's kind of scattered. There's just so much and so little time. I'll try to do better next week. I love you all! I'm so very grateful for the prayers you are offering up in my behalf.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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