Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 2 in Miaoli!

I'm loving my new ward and area. The YSA are on fire here and are all already good friends of mine. They've all got English names too. Cash Money, one of my good buddies, has gotten down a terribly good impression of "Elder Dickson" that is simply hilarious. It's just the best. I'll talk more about them in future weeks, but they're the best!
Ready to Ride

A birthday slice ;)
 We made peanut butter cookies to give away

The night market

 We saw miracles this week. Elder Hinckley and I went on exchanges one day with a large block of open afternoon finding to fill. It was cold and rainy (as it was all week), but we pressed forward and were blessed. We taught the message of the Restoration to two individuals on the street back to back and both were willing to continue meeting in the future and said they had friends who would also be interested. All of our investigators said they would come to church yesterday granted it didn't rain (the Taiwanese are actually pretty scared of the rain though it is always raining). Anyway, we awoke to the telltale pitter patter of rain, yet we weren't giving up that easily. With some coordination and the aid of both the ward and God, we were able to get rides for three investigators to come to church. It was a nice birthday present :)
Elder Hinckley and I 

Yummy food with friends
Sorry you get a lot of food pictures
(the food here is AMAZING!)

With my companion, Elder Rauckhorst

Qingke or "Thanksgiving Dinner"

A bite of Heaven

 My companion told someone I could play cello and signed me up to play cello for the ward Christmas's been about 3 years since I last touched a cello, but we'll see...I'm at least willing to try. Chinese is coming along great; I can communicate well as a 2nd language. I've also picked up bits and pieces of several localized tongues including Taiwanese among others. I'm currently learning a bit of Kejiahua which is a lot of fun and kind of crazy. 
Last P-day or my first one here in Miaoli
We played the Monkeys game

The young man in the black shirt is my good friend "Cash Money" 
Chinese Family History Work

So my 19 birthday: it was cold and I got soaked in the rain, I had instant noodles for dinner, and it was a day about everyone, but me (a day in the life of a missionary), and yet, it was AWESOME! We shared what little we had and I lost myself in serving others. I was in high spirits despite the gloomy weather and had a wonderful day :) It's crazy and also very cool to think that I will not live a day of my life as a 19-year-old when I'm not missionary--a consecrated such, I've looked at my life and set some new goals/made plans to put in place as habits=hopes. I'm trying to do better, to lose myself in the service of others; I'm grateful for the opportunity to do so. Elder Rauckhorst kind of reminds me of a mixture between Joe Mason and Jesse Perkins maybe with a little Davis Deimund in there too, he's great. We get along well and are working hard here in Miaoli. My sister, Mallory, would  love Taiwan. Most everything in the landscape serves no function. In other words, it's art...and it's beautiful. I can't do it justice, but Taiwan is simply a beautiful place. You'll have to take my word for it ;)

Time is extremely short this week. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes and continued prayers on my behalf. I love you all!

Be sure to remember the reason for the season as we come up on Christmas and turn outward in love.  We should all try to be more like Christ.  Please watch this short video: Light the World . 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

1 comment:

  1. I am encouraged by your service and devotion to others. Dying to self so that others can be put before yourself is one of the hardest things to do. Glad to see you having adventure YEE YEE!
    P.s. thanks for the shout out:)
