Monday, December 26, 2016

Week 6 in MiaoLi: Merry Christmas

Time is short (as always), but I'll endeavor to package up the week in some sort of convenient way. I hit the 1/4 mark this past week. The time has gone incredibly fast (6 months+). I'm grateful for the time I've had and excited for the future going forward. It hasn't been easy so far, but I've been blessed all along the way. I'm coming to know myself (my strengths and my abundance of shortcomings too), and I'm coming to know my Savior. I've also come to realize just how involved God is in weaving the fabric of our lives. In the end, all things work out. The key is to endure...and find JOY in the journey! 
Ward Christmas party and Nativity 

Birthday cake for Jesus

I think the pictures I sent will have to tell the story for the most part this week. 

We took a hired taxi this week provided by brother Zeng's company, took the gaotie, met a circus performer from Egypt, busted a cello string, and just had a blast!

Saying "Yes!" Obedience is central to success in the work of the Lord---obedience to Him and His leaders. We are faced daily with choices to make as to just how obedient we will be. It is not uncommon for us to feel it is hard to obey---to say "no" to many things, every person has different weaknesses whether it be drinking, swearing, unkind words, activities on Sundays, etc., but...I was struck this week with the idea that we are really only saying "YES!" when we refuse to give in to human weaknesses. Yes to happiness! Yes to blessings! Yes to family! Yes to safety! Yes to a bright future! Yes to the Savior! Let us all strive to respond to the challenges we face on a day to day basis with a resounding "Yes!" Choose the right. It's the only right thing to do ;)

On the trip to Taipei we took the gaotie which is the high speed rail.

We attended the Christmas Mission Conference up in Taipei this week. It was wonderful to see so many loved ones: President Jergensen, Elder Hawkes, Elder Lawrence, Elder Hamilton, Elder Griffin, Elder Miner, Elder Cline, Elder Clegg, Elder Hu, my MTC generation, and my Hualien friends. I also heard from Elder Hamilton that Jeffrey Su from Hualien is still progressing and coming to know his Savior. It brought me great joy to hear this welcome news; I still remember running into him on the street a few months ago. I was also impressed by the range of talents, skills, and strengths found among our missionary force here in the Taiwan, Taipei Mission. I actually started thinking about myself and what talent I had to offer. I'm no prodigy on the piano. My voice doesn't find its place in a choir of angels, and I can't do a triple flip. 
At the mission Christmas conference
As I thought, I began to feel very plain indeed, but then the thought entered my mind that my strength was to simply help others (to help them find and build on their strengths). I can be obedient. I can lose myself in the service of others. I can bear witness of a loving Savior who lives and guides us through the worries of a fallen world. I can. And you can too. The Gospel of Jesus Christ really kind of is my niche. It's what I've invested my time and energy into: my focus. Make the investment that invests in you. Choose ye this day to follow the Lord. It's the greatest choice you can ever make... :)
Building a solid foundation

 Filipino Christmas Feast


Lehi's dream, the chairs are making the iron rod and our tree


Nice "little" friend we found

P-day at the beach

Cash likes his name ;)


 Sending off two sister missionaries this week! 

Visiting the disability development center


I've got to write about yesterday, Christmas. We surpassed our goal of 25 on the 25th and had over 25 investigators in attendance,  but that wasn't what made yesterday so special. Mr. Wen: he is the older brother of the relief society president in our ward. He has terminal cancer and three months to live. Yesterday, we were able to visit this man, this brother of ours, in the hospital. He just kept smiling and thanking us for coming to see him. We shared the #Lighttheworld video, taught him to pray, and gave him a Book of Mormon. It was a moment of gratitude to be able to bring joy into Mr. Wen's life at such a time and in such a place. He's very humble and wants to be taught the lessons and accept baptism before leaving this life. It's an answer to many a fervent prayer offered by his family on his behalf.

I was blessed to be able to Skype with my family today. Tears were shed, but we have faith in the future. I'm so very grateful for this glorious gospel that allows us to know that families can be together forever. In fact, it is God's plan for us. Please watch: Our Eternal Life .

Lots unsaid, but please know that I love you all and am thankful for your support and prayers!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

All is well,
Elder Dickson
Finding balance in our companionships

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