Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Week 7 in MiaoLi: Happy New Year and transfers

A full week...transfers were this week. Elder Rauckhorst and Elder Hinckley both transferred out of Miaoli. They will both be greatly missed; they were both incredible in their own right. Elders Joly and Robbins came in. Elder Joly is my new companion; he's full of energy and has a powerful testimony of the Savior. He loves to clean things and reminds me of my friend Matthew Baker in some ways. We will see miracles this transfer.

Leaping high for the New Year in Taiwan!

My new companion, Elder Joly.

Miaoli has been on fire (not literally, though it has felt like summer lately). We are keeping unbelievably busy doing the work of the Lord. Wayne, Dallin, and Howard are all nearing baptism, and we are working with many others to help them come unto Christ including Wen Agong (still very humble and willing to learn and act on our teachings) and several fantastic families. 
Hot Pot Heaven: think Dreamworld from Ratatouille


The Spirit works miracles. We met with a man this week named Mr. Zhang, a carpenter and the father of three cool kids. At the start of the visit we asked if we could say a prayer and he had absolutely no interest in that or anything else we had to say. We continued to get to know him and bore witness of simple truths. We also shared Yinwei Ta. At the close of our time there (roughly 30 minutes) he wanted us to say a prayer for his family and really didn't seem ready for us to go. He kept watching church videos after we left. It was a miracle to witness this change of heart wrought in this man in a mere 1/2 hour. Only the Spirit converts. 
My work space
A friend sent me this picture from my surprise birthday last month

I felt the greatest pain I have ever felt in all my life this past week. A family we have been meeting with for some time informed us that they didn't want us to come back. They said that Christianity wasn't for them. I love them and it hurt to see them reject the very thing that has the power to bring them the greatest happiness and success in this life and in eternity. We gathered up the kids and I said one last prayer for them. I couldn't hold back the tears. We testified of the truthfulness of our message. I told them I loved them, gave them hugs, and we left. The ride back to Miaoli was long and painful, but I will not give up. They simply aren't ready yet. I must find those who are prepared.

Choose the Right rings


2 Nephi 9:52 "Rang ni de xin xile" ("Let your hearts rejoice"). I had the opportunity to bear testimony this past Sunday. I wasn't feeling the greatest, but I felt the need to share this scripture. With the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of our lives, we have every reason to rejoice. Times are not always easy, but as we remember the Savior and rely on the power of His Atonement, we will find lasting happiness. My invite for this year is to remember the Lord. Keep Him in your thoughts and "let your hearts rejoice." :D
Yang Jiating(family)
 with Wayne, Dallin, and Xieqifeng

It was really cool to be able to lift a brother at church this week (literally). He needed carried down the stairs as he is confined to a wheel chair. Doing so lifted me.  Mosiah 2:17 "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." There's a neat video called Lift

Happy New Year!!
2017--The consecrated year. (I will be serving the Lord this whole year.)

Happy Birthday to my mom last week! She has always been there for me and is among my greatest of friends.

I love you all!

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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