Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 12 in MiaoLi

I wish I could share my experiences in a more effective way. There are so many things that happen in a week and so little time to write about them. Here we go...

In MiaoLi...Green means Go!

I saw a Transformer!

With my comp, Elder Joly

Elders: Joly, Robbins, Dickson

We continued our deep clean of our apartment this week. We ended up spending all of P-day last week on it, and yet, we still haven't finished. I think I understand what they're doing now. When you sacrifice for something or someone you will inevitably develop love for that thing or person. Having sacrificed valuable time to get our apartment into good condition, we will likely treat it much better in the future. This same principle can be used to understand the perfect and infinite love the Savior has for each and every one of us. He sacrificed all...and He did it for you. 

Elder Robbins and I went on exchanges this week. He came on island at the same time I did. He's an incredible missionary; he's very enthused about everything he does and is always looking to learn and improve. It was wonderful working with him for a day.

Guardian of the church building ;)

New badge with full Chinese name:

This week was full of qingkes (meal appointments where the food is provided for us free of charge). Everything was closed for the Chinese New Year, so the ward supported us. All the food was delicious and exciting. In turn, we were able to prepare messages to bring the Spirit into the homes of the members. It was incredible to be able to get to know the ward so much better and to be able to help those we love so much (being fed was just a bonus). ;)

We had so many amazing meals this week I can't even show them all! Thanks to the generous people who welcomed us into their homes and fed us.

This awesome spoon is like a ladle!

Pancakes! Not to rival the pancake grandma though.

I learned some lessons in humility this week for which I am extremely grateful. They came in the form of my Chinese falling apart at times (I may have told someone I once ate a tire and thought it tasted pretty good...) and a very stiff neck that may have had something to do with sleeping on a box spring (Don't worry mom; I have arranged my sleeping situation, and I now have a mattress to sleep on). However, these among other trials humbled me; they prepared me to be led by the Spirit in all things. We got out of the way of the Spirit, and many miracles followed:

My journal entry of this past week:

New missionary schedule:

>M: We met with M this week and shared the 10 commandments. We asked him what he thought about them. He said they seemed "...strict." This is where we abandoned our lesson plan and were led by the Spirit in a totally new direction. We felt impressed to talk about the Spirit and its importance in his personal conversion progress. We talked about how we couldn't give him all the "whys" or resolve all his concerns, but that as he continued to read, pray, and ponder these things he would receive an answer from God...he would receive an understanding on a very personal level. As a result, we learned that he has already had some experiences that have helped him begin to build a testimony. He's doing awesome. He's been reading and praying daily, and he said he has a new sense of purpose that drives him (gets him out of bed in the morning). Through the Spirit, we were able to help him through several areas of concern that are currently highly debated topics in the world. It was cool to learn a little bit myself as we taught him by the Spirit.

>Wen Agong: He's back in the hospital, but we were able to bring him a message of hope and happiness in spite of trials (not what we had planned exactly), but it was what he needed. 

>LZG: We haven't known what to do to help him for some time now. It's become increasingly difficult to meet with him, and he hasn't been willing to keep commitments. We felt prompted to bring The Restoration video and start back at square one with this man I've been teaching since November of last year. It turned out to be just what he needed. The Spirit was present and taught him things that were true that we didn't even tell him with regard to the restoration of the Gospel. Before we left, he told us he could not deny the existence of Heavenly Father because he knew Joseph Smith had truly seen God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ.

>ZXS: We met him yesterday when he brought himself to church. He told us he had started having problems with his physical health a few weeks back and didn't know what to do. He felt to pray, but he had never prayed before and didn't know how. Regardless, he prayed, and, in time, his pains left him. Then yesterday, he felt prompted to come to the church building. He said he came to learn more about the God who had healed him. While there, he said he felt a special energy inside (the Spirit). 

>God's method of helping His children through others. We visited the Z family this week for a qingke. Elder Johnson shared a scripture for the spiritual share that led me to bring up Elder Renlund's talk on fairness and gratitude. They said it was just what they needed as there have been injustices at work that have troubled them. They looked up the talk, studied it, and shared from it when they bore their testimonies yesterday at church. After church, Elder Johnson's investigator, Brother Fu, said it was just what he needed. 

>Ran into a less active at the train station. We were talking with several young men about our age. We asked them what they felt was of greatest importance in life. They then pointed us to a man standing the background and said it was him we wanted to talk to. They said he always thought of and asked questions like that. Just before we parted, he told us he had been baptized a member of our church a long time ago. That was it. His thoughts were literally on a higher plane as he had the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

>I could go on and on, but time is up....

I realize that my time here in Taiwan is very short, and I do not now fully comprehend or understand the gift I have been given. My current zone leader, Elder Crawford, is going home this week. I was struck with awe as he bore a powerful witness of the Savior. He was reduced to tears and trembling as he spoke of his love for Him and of his gratitude for the Atonement. In the end, he was shaking and clutching his missionary badge identifying him as a special representative of Jesus Christ saying that he didn't want to go home...the Spirit testified to me of this elder's faithful service. I realize I still have a lot to learn and room to grow, but I am grateful for what I do not now fully understand.

The MiaoLi Missionaries

Lunch with Sister Chipman and her daughter

I love you all! Have the best week! Transfers is actually this week.  I got a little confused with time last week; it all just goes so fast.We'll see what happens.

All is well,Elder Dickson

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