Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 13 in MiaoLi: I'm Training a New Missionary!

I'm training!!! I have a SON!!!

My first "son" in the mission: Elder Treyson Raley

Learning about training:

This week was chock full of miracles and surprises. There simply isn't time to relate a tenth part of it, but I'm keeping a good journal so no worries. It was crazy. We were in the middle of studies on Wednesday morning when the call came from the calls don't come on Wednesday mornings...they come on Monday or Tuesday nights, but due to the flight of the trainees being delayed a day, we didn't know until Wednesday morning that we would be training. A flood of emotions hit me (chief among these being excitement and an acute feeling of inadequacy). However, I retired to prayer and was quickly comforted. The Lord has asked me to train; as a result, He will make me equal to the task.  1 Ne. 3:7 " I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." 
P-day in MiaoLi last week

 Almost looks like I'm in Cape!

On Friday, I took the train up to Taipei to pick up my trainee: Elder Raley. He's incredible; I joke that he came pre-trained: he's from Oklahoma; his Chinese is remarkable; his older brother served in the Taizhong, Taipei mission; he's very humble and teachable despite his abilities; we've already seen many miracles; and I look forward to seeing what miracles lay in wait as we press forward these next few months. Ever since I picked him up from Taipei there has been a never-ending list of to-dos and not enough time in the day to fulfill even half of them to completion. Normally, this would stress me out greatly, but the Lord has comforted me. I've been able to maintain an attitude of optimism and calm assurance. We've been able to prioritize and accomplish those things of greatest importance. My son may have yet to have a real studies in Taiwan, but he's had a lot of on-the-job training.
Elder Joly is a great missionary and will be missed!  He was transferred to Linkou.

Poor Elder Robbins had a rough time of it! His bike was stolen and then he wrecked on the exchange bike and then he ran on foot for the rest of the night!  He's a Trooper!

Ate amazing food this past week.  7/11 at it's best, Chen JM the chef, and Japanese food!

Sister Qiu was baptized this week. She was as prepared as prepared can be. It was a privilege to be present for her baptism. We're working to help her and her fiance realize their goal of being married in the temple for time and all eternity. 

Micheal is the man. He's our top investigator. He came to church and loved it. He's quite gifted at ping pong, and he's coming to really love and understand the scriptures. 
Ping Pong with friends :D

Brother Wen is doing wonderfully. He's back home and he's been praying regularly. His countenance had completely changed. He told us through a grin that his heart was open and happy :D

Update on Jeffrey Su from Hualien: He's got a solid baptismal date for 3/19. I love the man! 

The Lord's work will go forth. It will not be halted. He is preparing people even now to hear the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Alma 13:24 "For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory."

Happy Birthday EMMY!!! She turned 11 this week :)

Keep your vision on the Savior, and take it a step at a time. There is hope and happiness up ahead. I wish you all the best! Congratulations to the Hale family on their newest member: Meleah :)

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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