Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week 23 in MiaoLi

We got up at roughly 3 AM this morning to attend the temple up in Taipei. It's a great blessing to have a temple so nearby. We have to go now. Elder Raley left his train ticket at the house and it leaves Monday will be here soon and I will write more then.  I love you all!!!

All is well,
Elder Dickson

Thanks for the Easter package grandma! 

Getting soaked in the rain!

 Heat and humidity

Elder Raley tries the Taiwanese snow cone 

Crowns at district meeting for Sister Eyre's birthday

 Last P-day


Dan Bao Fan!

At Daniel's restaurant

Sister Eyre's birthday

Intense competition with YSA

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week 22 in MiaoLi

Happy Easter!! I'm sorry the update from last week was so short; I'll endeavor to do better this week:

Last P-day was good. We got some much needed cleaning done, and we went to the beach with the majority of the zone to play soccer and volleyball. 

That evening, we ran Family Home Evening with the YSA. We introduced them to Jungle Speed (a board game), and they loved it. We then had an investigator do the spiritual share. She did a 
wonderful job.
One of our investigators doesn't like we made a prayer chocolate toast sandwich (his favorite food). 

Funny Chinese story for the week. Apparently, I've been telling most everyone I meet that their pockets are either handsome or fashionable. I thought I was complimenting their surgical learn something new every day :)
Elder Raley and I

We set some crazy high goals this week, but we felt we had good plans to realize them and had set them prayerfully. We evaluated and reworked our plans throughout the week as things didn't go quite according to plan. In the end, we met all our goals. I'm grateful for the great blessing that was this week. There is power in goal-setting . Great talk from M. Russell Ballard during General Conference

It rained a lot this week...a lot. We may have also failed to wear any sort of rain gear. This is our fault, but in our defense it was always sunny when we left the house ;P Besides, I think our saturated condition made people more willing to talk with us because they felt bad for us. It was particularly great after English class. Elder Raley had a flat, so we walked(swam) home. Forty minutes later...we made it. It was almost comical just how pitiful we must have appeared, but it wasn't so bad; we sang songs and prayed all the way home. We are oftentimes unable to control our circumstances, but we can determine what our response will be. All in all, it was a good time. 

We went on exchanges with the zone leaders up in Zhunan this past week. I went with Elder Falck and Elder Raley went with Elder Butler.

Elder Raley and Elder Dickson sharing the gospel

 Dinner on exchange with the zone leaders

I even had the privilege of using Elder Crawford's old bike (my previous zone leader and a legend who has already returned home). We didn't have a lot of plans going into the exchange. The plan was pretty much to find, find, and find some more all through the rainy night. It was wonderful. It truly felt like we were about the Father's business as we scattered sunshine everywhere we went. Elder Raley and Elder Butler met with a new investigator who was super prepared. He pulled up on his bike, and Elder Raley recognized him! We had met him on the train the week before and referred him to the zone leaders! The next day, as we were studying in a McDonald's we were approached by a man who introduced himself as Jimmy Lai. As it turned out, he and his class of high school students were visiting from Miaoli. We were able to invite them all to English class and also get his information to share with him another time. The very next night we ran into him and his family on the street in Miaoli. It's crazy how often these mini miracles take place. Finally, we boarded the train to head back to Miaoli. We saw a guy on the other end of the car that we wanted to talk to and decided to go sit by him. We were thinking about how to strike up a conversation when he said "Dickson!" He's our former investigator, Allen, who now lives in Taizhong! We were able to have a good conversation with him, and he said we could give his number to the missionaries down in Taizhong. When you are on the Lord's errand, there are no coincidences.

Easter Musical Fireside

Easter Sunday! We showed up to church, and I was informed that one of the speakers wouldn't be able to attend. I was then invited to speak(and of course in Chinese). It didn't help that I was already a bit stressed upon arriving at chapel. I had come hoping to be able to rest and feel the peace that can be felt at church as I partake of the sacrament and listen to the speakers. I prayed for comfort and for the Spirit to accompany my words so that I might be able to say what those in attendance needed to hear that day. I was immediately comforted. My stress was lifted off of me, and I was blessed to be able to give what I felt like was one of my better talks (in which I was able to learn from the things I felt inspired to share). Much of the ward later came up and thanked me for what I shared and said it was exactly what they needed to hear. Have you ever felt stressed? Turn to Him. Turn to the Prince of Peace. The Prince of Peace

All is well,
Elder Dickson

Monday, April 10, 2017

Week 21 in MiaoLi

Weekly Update:

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. This week also proved to be a little more on the challenging side of things, but I feel like I learned a lot and was still able to enjoy the time in the midst of difficulties. There are a few principles with regard to this that make this possible that I would like to share with you. 1. Break it down. Focus on what needs to happen at any given time and put future concerns and responsibilities out of mind by writing them down in a place where you will see them when they need be addressed. 2. Remember. Remember your own personal "Why?" Whenever you come across an obstacle, remind yourself of your goals. Hold to them. 3. Realize that you need not do everything alone. We all have others that hope we will succeed who would be willing and happy to help if only we would allow them to. This help may come in the form of friends, family, co-workers, etc. However, ultimately, the perfect and undeviating source of aid continues to be and will ever be the Savior. Turn to Him in prayer. You will not be disappointed. With the Lord on your side, you cannot fail.

I love you all! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson
Pictures the Boyce family took at the church

Pictures from P-day

Milkshake Pool
Our little friend
Mosquito madness