Monday, April 10, 2017

Week 21 in MiaoLi

Weekly Update:

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. This week also proved to be a little more on the challenging side of things, but I feel like I learned a lot and was still able to enjoy the time in the midst of difficulties. There are a few principles with regard to this that make this possible that I would like to share with you. 1. Break it down. Focus on what needs to happen at any given time and put future concerns and responsibilities out of mind by writing them down in a place where you will see them when they need be addressed. 2. Remember. Remember your own personal "Why?" Whenever you come across an obstacle, remind yourself of your goals. Hold to them. 3. Realize that you need not do everything alone. We all have others that hope we will succeed who would be willing and happy to help if only we would allow them to. This help may come in the form of friends, family, co-workers, etc. However, ultimately, the perfect and undeviating source of aid continues to be and will ever be the Savior. Turn to Him in prayer. You will not be disappointed. With the Lord on your side, you cannot fail.

I love you all! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson
Pictures the Boyce family took at the church

Pictures from P-day

Milkshake Pool
Our little friend
Mosquito madness


  1. Those are beautiful pictures and thanks for sharing!

  2. Those are beautiful pictures and thanks for sharing!
