Monday, August 21, 2017

Week 4 in Taoyuan

The hike last P-day was crazy. We hiked to the top of the world and back, but it was a blast! We finished our last companion exchange this week. Up to now, I've spent more time in Taoyuan away from my companion than I have with him. Elder Moss who came on island at the same time I did is nothing short of a legend, and I was blessed to learn a great deal from him over the course of the exchange. It was wonderful to be with Elder Raley for a day. I'm glad he's so nearby; he's grown a great deal since training, and we had a good time together.

Views from the top of the world!

 With Elder Raley

View of the city in the distance

Elder Moss


It's hard to believe, but I will hit my year-mark on island this next week. I'm liking Taoyuan more and more. I'm getting pretty close with the members and our zone is simply the best. English class was great. We talked about ethical dilemmas and threw super heroes into the mix. It was awesome this week. One of our investigators who previously wasn't terribly interested in learning more about the message we share contacted us after English class and practically begged us to come and teach him the following day. Him, and two of his friends are now progressing towards baptism.

Great food

We were fed by a lot of members this past week. Among them was a member of the stake presidency. Unfortunately, he was involved in a minor automobile accident on the way over and was unable to join us and his family. It was nice, however, to be able to share a message of comfort and peace with his family at this time.

We've got 4 younger punk investigators that I call and consider my friends. We're still running laps for them. We average the number of cigarettes they smoke and run that many laps the following day. Either they're going to quit smoking, or we're going to be really healthy. They were smoking around 30 a day, but they claim to be under 10 a day for the most part as of late. We're not sure if they just feel bad or if they're actually quitting, but we've got hope for them.

Elder Chang would love this place

Just an average spider here


Ward mission leader

Taoyuan: Traditional music festival at the Art Center

We had a cool experience this week with something of an atheist and his wife. They just couldn't understand how we could possibly be so absolutely certain of things we had never seen. We held up a sure witness under intense questioning and I couldn't deny what I knew to be true. As I reflected on the experience that night, I was amazed by our own certainty. We really do know. I know God is my loving Father in Heaven. He's yours. You can know this to be true too. Don't know how? Ask the missionaries. They can help you. It was a weekend of miracles. Beck was baptized and confirmed. We attended the baptism of one of Elder Raley's investigators I interviewed. I also got word of at least 4 more investigators who passed baptismal interviews this past weekend and are being baptized in the coming week. The Lord is hastening His work.

I love you all!!! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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