Monday, August 7, 2017

Week 2 in Taoyuan

 It's great to see Elder Raley again

It's been a good week. I feel like I've adapted pretty well to Taoyuan. I've been impressed with the zone. Our relationship with them is really cool; we're close with all of them and they're willing to bring their concerns or questions to us. In the process I've learned much myself. It's been quite the growing/learning experience this past little bit.

Taoyuan and its many missionaries....

Views from the 4th floor of the Taoyuan stake center

Lunch with friends

We've already gone on 2 of our 7 exchanges this transfer. Both the elders I went with are phenomenal: Elder Balmforth and Elder Kleine.

On exchange with Elder Kleine

 Mission Leadership Council was also an uplifting and inspiring experience. I was a little nervous being the "young" missionary I am, but I felt so very welcomed and was pleasantly surprised to find that the other leaders in the mission are all good friends of mine. It was especially good seeing Elder Johnson again. I look up to him a good deal, and I simply enjoy being around such an all-around good guy. He's doing wonderful as AP and always makes everyone feel loved and appreciated.

At mission leadership council

Ward Father's Day Activity:

 The invitation
 Welcoming Bishop
Great food! 

We visited the home of an interior designer who is a member of our church. 
Wow!  Amazing home!

My journal has taken a hit lately with Elder Smith and I keeping so very busy, so I'm thinking about buying a voice recorder to do a better job of keeping up. I'm excited for zone conference this week. The mission is placing a huge emphasis on the Book of Mormon and using it in all aspects of our work. If you haven't read it, it's not too late. Better yet, you can get a copy for free. Sometimes I wish I could sit and read it all day, but really it's worth taking the time to read it. If you already have a habit of reading, you might consider allotting a little more time each day. The Book of Mormon, like the Bible, is the word of God, and by reading it we can come to know our Savior, Jesus Christ. One of my favorite scriptures to share with those we meet explains the purpose of the Book of Mormon well: to testify of Christ. See  

2 Nephi 25:26
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."

"We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ" Find more printables at #LDS

Christ ought to be the center of everything we do. As we make Him a central part of our lives, we are happier. We learn, we grow, and we become more like Him. It is only through the Atonement of the Savior, Jesus Christ that we have hope for the future. In Him all things are possible. For those who have read the Book of Mormon, I would invite you to find one of your favorite scriptures and share on social media in one form or another that "[the world] may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."

It was a blast today. A lot of my old Miaoli friends came up and had lunch with us. It was good to catch up on old times. I simply can't wrap my head around just how quickly time is passing.

With friends: old and new

I love you all! Have the best week!!! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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