Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 11 in Taoyuan: How my church blesses my life

At the River's Edge

(This will be Reed when he tries to bring all his luggage home)

 Time is short, but I wish to talk about the great blessing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is to the lives of all:

You have an instant family of somewhere between 100-200 individuals wherever life may take you. I have felt this blessing coming to Taiwan. Despite being far from family, I am able to feel very much at home.

 Ethan and Ken


You have many opportunities to learn and grow and serve others all along the way rather that be in the context of natural disaster clean-up or caring for young toddlers each week whose only desire is to smush goldfish into the carpet. Regardless, it is a joy to serve.

Learning KungFu

Costco is always a treat

Bowling on P-day

Food is art

We have the keys to the ordinances of salvation and exaltation---the power to save made possible only in and through the great atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
We are led by living prophets and apostles under the direction of the Lord Himself. We need not fear, and there is great reason for joy.
This is but a sample of the many blessings the Lord bestows upon us through the means of His church restored on the earth today. I encourage you to learn more at

Today is a good day :)

All is well,

Elder Dickson

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