Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 14 in Taoyuan

With my adopted brother :)

I'm so grateful. We were meeting with a father of two young children this past week. Near the close of the lesson, I bore testimony of what a blessing it is to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in the home: what that meant to me growing up, what that had to do with who I am today, and just how central it will be to the happiness and success of my future family in this world of shifting values. I didn't realize just how good I had it until I expressed my thoughts and feelings to him, but it's true. A home founded on the teachings of the Savior of the world need not fear the world. John 16:33 says it well: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Please, for your families and futures, Hold to the One who is sure, steadfast, and oh so forgiving. If necessary come back. It's necessary for all of us. None of us are perfect and all are learning, but do come back. He's there and He's here to stay.

On exchange with Elder Moss

With my new companion: Elder Paden Jorgensen

While on exchanges with Elder Moss, we ran into a younger man on the street. He was very happy to talk and had remarkable English. We soon found that he was a member of the church. He was baptized 10 years ago and for a time went to all his church meetings, had many friends in the church, and he even attended early morning seminary all through high school. However, when his friends all left on missions and his family uprooted and moved down here to Taipei, he was lost. Despite being overjoyed to see us, he expressed that he just didn't know how to come back. He really wanted it, but HOW? 

We soon met with him, and oh what a joyful meeting it was. He knows what he had and he knows what he wants again. He's starting the Book of Mormon anew, and on a dark city night my new friend and brother spoke with God again for the first time in 5 years. It was a blessing and a miracle to be present. The moment he started speaking, I felt a wave of peace, love, and pure joy as though the Savior was embracing me Himself. I felt of God's love for His son who was lost and was now found, and He was so indescribably ecstatic to have Him back again. Repentance is the road back to our Father in Heaven. We are all prodigal sons in our own right, please choose to come home. He will take you in, and He will embrace you in the arms of His love. He loves you now as He did then, and that, will never change.

With old friends from the Beitou days!

There was a serene moment this past week I hope to have captured deep in the storage of my mind. Sunday morning, we went to pick up our investigator I have adopted as my brother for all intents and purposes. He's 16, and he's had a lot of trials in his life, but he's recently found a place in the flock of the Good Shepherd. We biked a little ways out to Nankang and met him on a bridge overlooking the river running through the area. (see the first photo of this post). Off we went. We wove our way through the overhanging tree branches along the banks of the singing stream, the sun piercing the tree cover with grand brilliance, a faint breeze carrying a soft "naturey" scent on the air. I just remember looking back and seeing his smile; he just couldn't hold back that smile had he tried. He was happy, truly happy, and I was happy just to be there to see it, to share in that moment, that little patch of heaven. Who knows? Maybe one day it'll be him wearing the badge. I wouldn't put it past the Lord. For now though, I'm just glad he's happy. 

English meeting over dinner

Frisbee in Zhubei for P-day this past Monday

Things work out in the end. They really do. I've spent too much of my life stressing over things of little or no great importance. I've come to realize that the worst possible outcome is never all that bad. It can never be so bad that the infinite and everlasting Atonement of the Savior can't make it right. Now, is it possible it won't be comfortable or that it may take time to heal or see the blessing you've been waiting for appear? Yes, it is. In fact, you can likely bet on it. Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." 

I've been amazed lately as others have come to me in great excitement over a seemingly pressing issue with no hope and no back door and just, response has been, "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." with a smile on my face. And without fail, everything has and will be okay. Trust God. Granted, if we follow His plan and do things His way, things will be much more than okay. They will be ordained of Him and they will be glorious. Whatever the case, it will be okay. I spoke in church this past week. The focus of my talk was on a scripture recently shared with me by a friend. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Even deliver a talk in Chinese) ;)

I'll attach a video (a favorite of mine) for your viewing pleasure. See Good Things to Come
Have the best week! Thank you for your love and support and prayers. I feel them, and I thank you for them.
 At the ward Halloween Party:


A donut eating contest like no other

A tiger I released into the jungle at the Halloween party

All is well!

Elder Dickson.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome to read up again on your son's mission. My cousin's son Stanley Jr Fieeiki will be reporting to the Provo, MTC for his mission in response to his call to Taipei, Taiwan Mission on March 14th, 2018. I am glad to share some of your son's experiences. The Lord's work is true, it is faith-promoting and a marvel to watch how people can come to Christ with a little help. Good Luck, from Sis Ana Tuione of Hawthorne, CALIFORNIA.
