Thursday, December 28, 2017

Week 4 in Xizhi: Christmas and skype with family

With Sister Guan (my first Sister Training Leader)

Ward Christmas Dinner

Mission life...It's just the coolest thing in the world. We're a couple of 20 year olds on an island in the Pacific sharing the true gospel of Jesus Christ; sometimes with people who don't know God. It's crazy! It's a thrill! It's a blessing and a privilege!

Taipei Temple

Our area on a rare sunny day

Where we live

When we had to get a new frig

I loved teaching two of the daughters of an investigator family this past week. At ages 5 and 6 I was amazed by their answers to my questions. 

"God is your Dad in the sky. Do you think He loves you?" 

"Of course He does! He's our Dad!"

"Why do you we need to follow Him?"

"We don't." 

"Huh?... Why?" 

"Because He follows us! He is always with us!" 

Anyways, it was faith building for our investigator and us as missionaries.

Taiwan is different than other missions in the world for many reasons. One being that I just ate a bug at a members home. Yes, intentionally. Two, when people reject you here, they typically don't spit in your face or threaten you. Rather they buy you a cup of hot chocolate and apologize for their lack of interest while still feigning interest so as to not hurt your feelings. It sounds much better, but in some ways it seems harder because you really do come to love the people and it's difficult to see such Christlike people reject Christ.

A lot of people whether it be missionaries, investigators, people on the street, or any one else come to me with their troubles. They come to me as someone to talk to, hear their concerns, and seek counsel. It's funny, because I often have my own concerns and difficulties, but as I listen to them and work to help them I am strengthened and happier than if I went up and talked to someone about my own issues. I love serving in this way, and I'm grateful for frequent opportunities to do so. What's wonderful is that we have a loving Father in Heaven who does the same for all of His children. He always has time; He always listens, and He always understands.

With friends! 

With Lawrence at the temple

With Elder Smith who is about to go home

With Elder Johnson who is about to go home

Merry Christmas! Thank you for the Christmas wishes, for your prayers, and for the thoughtful letters and packages!
Skype with family!

All is well! 
Elder Dickson 

The force is strong with this one

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Week 3 in Xizhi

My email is written a little differently this week. I took some notes/journal entries from my phone and pasted them in with some minor modifications.

With Elder Steffen and Elder Robbins (his trainer)

Where is his bike seat?

Ritz crackers!

Elder Steffen making a mean arepa 

muffin mash

Star Wars in Taiwan :)

With friends from previous areas

A Softened Heart-The Starbucks Friend

I met him the first time about a week and a half ago. Prior to that time Elder Robbins and Elder Steffen had known him and seen him on a regular basis for months, but they said he hadn't been receptive to hearing anything about the gospel. Regardless, he was a good friend and liked the missionaries. I didn't waste time making our purpose clear when we first met. He told me the missionaries didn't talk to him about Jesus or church-related things. I felt to press him a little further. In Elder Steffen's own words, he said it was like turning the fire hose on him after playing with a squirt gun. I pressed on, and he didn't resist. At the second appointment he was willing to listen to what we had to share, but he still didn't seem overly excited about it. And then tonight. Tonight he sat there waiting with the scriptures placed on the table in front of him. We tried some small talk, and he cut us off, "Let's get started," he said. He was entirely open to our share, and we could've shared even more had we anticipated such a remarkable change. His heart has been softened. He came to church for the first time yesterday. Only the Spirit could have wrought such a mighty change in his heart.

Impromptu Testimony Meeting following Zone Leadership Meeting

During the closing prayer I felt we should have a testimony meeting. I brought up the impression, and the zone leaders jumped on it. The Spirit was oh so powerful. Each district leader, the zone leaders, and the sister training leaders each shared their testimonies. Afterwards, a Taiwanese sister said she understood every word that was said. Through tears, she expressed that she hadn't understood almost anything that was said during the zone meeting or the ensuing leadership council, that her English wasn't good enough and she felt she had taken nothing away and only felt down on herself that she couldn't understand. But, she, through the medium of the Spirit, perfectly understood each and every one of our testimonies. I remember, and feel now as I write this up, the Spirit coming over me in waves of warmth and comfort and confirmation. The Spirit bore powerful witness of the many truths spoken: Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, this work is the Lord's work, and many more. However, one sister's testimony had the most powerful effect on me. She bore testimony that Heavenly Father knows exactly what we go through in His service every second of every moment of every day. He is aware of our service and sacrifices on His behalf. He loves us dearly, and He is proud of our humble contribution. He has a plan for us, and it is His will that we be where we are at this time. He knows. He understands. He watches. He listens. And He prepares the way ahead. I know this is true. Heavenly Father is aware of you. He loves you. And your future is secure in His loving hands.

on exchanges

View from the zone leader's apartment

with the Zone

No Effort is Wasted

I make a sincere effort to talk with EVERYONE! I do a pretty good job of it too. However, there is the occasional situation in which we really are rushed to make it to a pressing appointment of some import, and all we can rightfully do is shout out a joyous "Hello!" or "Merry Christmas!" with a wave and a grin. I've heard stories from people who once had a missionary smile at them in passing and later as a result determined to talk with missionaries and join the fold. There have been many time on my mission when I've stressed over biking past the prepared, but I don't think that would happen without us receiving a prompting to stop. We're planting seeds. The smallest act of kindness is greater than the grandest intentions. Never worry about what you might have done when you're engaged in doing what's right. You can't be in two places at once, and the Lord will magnify your efforts. No effort is wasted.
101 in the clouds (it's in the zone leaders area)

Pretty fountain

The chapel on a clear day!!

Our investigator's rendition of Alma 32

Follow the Spirit

We got back from zone meeting in the late afternoon yet to make plans for the day or do any studies. The rec. center made sense as a place to go for some planning, and it felt right. It felt right. We met an 阿公(a Grandpa) there. We spoke like old friends. We laughed together. Before long, we both couldn't do anything to wipe the grins off our faces. He told me of his children and grandchildren and of his current homeless status and the struggle to find work. I shared 2 Nephi 25:26 "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." with him and testified. We set up to meet next week to give him his own personal copy of the Book of Mormon. He asked to take a picture together and gave me a small gift he insisted on my taking. It felt right.

with my new friend

using the gift he gave me

the train station

Intense game of chess


I know this is the Lord's work. This understanding hasn't made the work any easier, but it certainly has made it more enjoyable and taken away unneeded and undesired stress. We work hand in hand with God. Though our contribution be minute at best, through the infinite and eternal power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ it is enough. Thank you for all you do! Merry Christmas!!!

with the choir

All is well!

Elder Reed Dickson

Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 2 in Xizhi: I discovered that my new companion is my 5th cousin!

With my new companion and cousin: Elder Steffen

Instant breakfast from a can

Our frig exploded, so we had the adventure of buying a new frig and getting it up to where we live!

Where we live


My new residence

At a Zhuabing stand

With my new district

I saw the sun this week!!! The rain let up on Saturday, and we were blessed to see a blue sky overhead.

Despite the wet and the cold, we've seen miracle after miracle after miracle here in 汐止. We've especially seen the hand of the Lord in helping us find people to teach: off the street, English class, member friends, former investigators, referrals from Temple Square, family members of the investigators we were already teaching, etc. etc. etc. I've been particularly impressed and amazed by one particular man unable to walk without assistance, but yet was willing to tackle a steep flight of stairs to attend Sunday School. I was overjoyed by the willingness of a married couple to start working towards baptism; with their three young daughters they are a beautiful family of five seeking the truth and the peace only the Savior can offer.

I've loved working with Elder Steffen. He's always open to learn something new, and I know I've learned a great deal from him in this short time. I'm grateful for his support and friendship.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I was thrilled to get a package from my church family! Thank you!!

Costco here

Some last photos from Taoyuan

Goodbye to Bishop Yang

All is well!

Elder Reed Dickson