Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 2 in Xizhi: I discovered that my new companion is my 5th cousin!

With my new companion and cousin: Elder Steffen

Instant breakfast from a can

Our frig exploded, so we had the adventure of buying a new frig and getting it up to where we live!

Where we live


My new residence

At a Zhuabing stand

With my new district

I saw the sun this week!!! The rain let up on Saturday, and we were blessed to see a blue sky overhead.

Despite the wet and the cold, we've seen miracle after miracle after miracle here in 汐止. We've especially seen the hand of the Lord in helping us find people to teach: off the street, English class, member friends, former investigators, referrals from Temple Square, family members of the investigators we were already teaching, etc. etc. etc. I've been particularly impressed and amazed by one particular man unable to walk without assistance, but yet was willing to tackle a steep flight of stairs to attend Sunday School. I was overjoyed by the willingness of a married couple to start working towards baptism; with their three young daughters they are a beautiful family of five seeking the truth and the peace only the Savior can offer.

I've loved working with Elder Steffen. He's always open to learn something new, and I know I've learned a great deal from him in this short time. I'm grateful for his support and friendship.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I was thrilled to get a package from my church family! Thank you!!

Costco here

Some last photos from Taoyuan

Goodbye to Bishop Yang

All is well!

Elder Reed Dickson

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