Thursday, December 28, 2017

Week 4 in Xizhi: Christmas and skype with family

With Sister Guan (my first Sister Training Leader)

Ward Christmas Dinner

Mission life...It's just the coolest thing in the world. We're a couple of 20 year olds on an island in the Pacific sharing the true gospel of Jesus Christ; sometimes with people who don't know God. It's crazy! It's a thrill! It's a blessing and a privilege!

Taipei Temple

Our area on a rare sunny day

Where we live

When we had to get a new frig

I loved teaching two of the daughters of an investigator family this past week. At ages 5 and 6 I was amazed by their answers to my questions. 

"God is your Dad in the sky. Do you think He loves you?" 

"Of course He does! He's our Dad!"

"Why do you we need to follow Him?"

"We don't." 

"Huh?... Why?" 

"Because He follows us! He is always with us!" 

Anyways, it was faith building for our investigator and us as missionaries.

Taiwan is different than other missions in the world for many reasons. One being that I just ate a bug at a members home. Yes, intentionally. Two, when people reject you here, they typically don't spit in your face or threaten you. Rather they buy you a cup of hot chocolate and apologize for their lack of interest while still feigning interest so as to not hurt your feelings. It sounds much better, but in some ways it seems harder because you really do come to love the people and it's difficult to see such Christlike people reject Christ.

A lot of people whether it be missionaries, investigators, people on the street, or any one else come to me with their troubles. They come to me as someone to talk to, hear their concerns, and seek counsel. It's funny, because I often have my own concerns and difficulties, but as I listen to them and work to help them I am strengthened and happier than if I went up and talked to someone about my own issues. I love serving in this way, and I'm grateful for frequent opportunities to do so. What's wonderful is that we have a loving Father in Heaven who does the same for all of His children. He always has time; He always listens, and He always understands.

With friends! 

With Lawrence at the temple

With Elder Smith who is about to go home

With Elder Johnson who is about to go home

Merry Christmas! Thank you for the Christmas wishes, for your prayers, and for the thoughtful letters and packages!
Skype with family!

All is well! 
Elder Dickson 

The force is strong with this one

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