Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 14 in Xizhi

We went to the zoo for P-day. It was my first time in Taiwan. 

Pictures from the zoo

We set some especially high goals last week and gave our all to them. Despite having a fever Monday through Friday and only feeling much better yesterday, we were blessed to either meet or exceed the goals we set.

Being sick (Asian style)

Finally getting my bike repaired

Foods (including but not limited to pickled eel) 

With a friend

Come Saturday, we were still short of our goal by two new investigators. I did my best to assure Elder Fredenberg there was still time, though I really wasn't sure where those new investigators might come from. We prayed about where to go to talk with people with about 20 minutes left before time to head in for the night. Upon arriving, we found a noisy concert going on in the area leaving only a handful of people on the outskirts to talk with. We talked with a boy very briefly who set up for the following evening at 5 only an hour before we had an appointment with another investigator in Taibei City. He didn't show. We did some studies only to get a call from a number other than the one he gave us at around 5:40 saying he was almost there. I was pretty certain he wasn't coming. At roughly 5:50 not only did he show up, but he brought a friend with him. Our share was brief, and we were off. Miracle!

An incredible family we're teaching recently returned from a trip out of the country. They told us the vacation was nice, but they couldn't go another week without attending church. They said they felt like part of their lives were missing and they were just tired in general. They exclaimed they never wanted to miss a week of church again. Hearing them talk about church rejuvenating them as they did made me feel like Sunday was just a little too far away.

Joy comes from looking outside oneself. Despite not feeling so hot, I was blessed to discern that our investigator was having a hard day and we were able to help him feel a bit better. For that moment I almost forgot I was as sick as I was and couldn't help but feel grateful.

My sister Emilie sent me this transforming ninja star that she made

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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