Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Week 28 in Xizhi

Buddha Palace

With Kenneth in Beitou

It's been a full day. We did personal study and jumped on a train for planning. We had breakfast with Kenneth in Beitou followed by some intense 3 team Ultimate. Don't ask. We kind of made it up as we went. After that, we made our way south to Ximending to pick up my suit and then jumped on the MRT bound for Songshan where we had all you can eat pizza with the zone leaders. We're on the train back to Xizhi and upon arrival we're meeting up with a member for ping pong and an early dinner. Pdays...certainly not a day of rest. 

Pizza and Bing

With the Li Family

Last night we went to a member home for dinner. On the way, I talked with a 22 year old guy at a stoplight. I complimented his Captain America helmet and upon asking what he liked about Captain America he told me it was his pure goodness, justice, or righteousness. I asked him to pull over and he was happy to. He asked me where our church was and proceeded to tell me he always wanted to go to church but that no one had ever invited him. He felt it would be odd to go alone. I was more than happy to extend the invitation. We'll meet with him tomorrow. He graduated from college the day before and said he was looking for direction in life. The dinner was delicious and the FHE after was a good time. Afterwards, we went out into the rainy night to knock doors on some streets in a small village-like community in the middle of nowhere. We were led directly to a home where a man offered us watermelon and water on the doorstep. We'll be going back to see the man tomorrow. Despite feeling prompted to go there, we did first knock the entire street before going where we initially felt to go. Miracles! 

Good eats

Art for an investigator

Made it myself

Book of Mormon reading is going crazy well! Derek finished the Book this week. Anna too. Our friend at the nursing home finished it a second time. 

The Chen family, baptized back in March, is moving to Canada in July. They know where the nearest church building is, but they have yet to find schools for the kids. I was glad to know they've got their priorities straight ;) 

Taiwan Temple

On top of our recent converts home

We were privileged to visit a former investigator of mine in the hospital. He likely doesn't have much time left, and he's in a good deal of pain. We sang primary songs to him and said a prayer for the man. A soft smile crept across his face as the pain he felt was replaced with a feeling of peace only the Spirit can bring. These are the best times to be a missionary.

I'm happy and healthy and loving the work! 

All is Well!

Elder Dickson

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