Monday, June 4, 2018

Week 26 in Xizhi: May 28, 2018

We went to Taoyuan today, another place that feels like Home! It was a blast to see old friends. I'd call them family personally. Lunch with Beck was a treat, and board games (Splendor, Spyfall, Kings Breakfast?) with Terry and his wife, Amanda, felt like playing with my parents back home. 

Visiting Taoyuan

Investigators have been repenting in miraculous ways. One investigator, mother to a recent convert, who said they would never pray and had never prayed despite going to a Catholic school said their first prayer. She felt the Spirit powerfully.

Another investigator in the Nursing Home read 1/2 the Book of Mormon in a week and understands what she's reading. She has one of the strongest testimonies I've seen in an investigator. She knows how to receive personal revelation. 

We've also been blessed lately to find many a family. We don't usually have much time to go out finding, but we use the occasional 30 or so minutes we have and are blessed as we talk with everyone and pray/work to reach a goal.

I'm happy for Harry who got the Priesthood this past week! It was also a good time balling with the man. He's quite the basketball player.

We got the idea to start providing a Chinese class for foreigners, and ever since we can't stop running into them: Brazil, Camaroon, France, Canada, the States. They're good guys and some have started meeting with us.

We also teach English

I've been once again grateful for the Spirit in our teaching. We got to a point in a lesson where we were trying to resolve an investigators concern on a particularly controversial issue. As we started to take the lesson in that direction the Spirit was just gone. It felt like flipping a light switch. On. Off. We immediately backtracked and finished the lesson material at hand with the Spirit leading. With the understanding provided by what we taught their concern wasn't even a concern any more. The investigators understood the answer and the why behind it. The Spirit taught them the truth and testified of it. They provided the answer before we were through and are now working towards a baptismal goal.

I was overjoyed to find the recently baptized Chen family to have started family scripture study, prayers, and FHE. I know they will continue to be blessed for their efforts to implement the gospel in their lives.

Another cool miracle was when a member from Taoyuan came to Xizhi and prayed to run across us. What do ya know? We did run into her. She told us she knew we would as she had prayed for as much.

Have the best week! Love you all!

All is well!

Elder Dickson

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