Monday, October 10, 2016

Do you have a dream? Week 7 in Taiwan


I want to talk a little about dreams this week. Firstly, we are no longer waking up to a clip from Disney's "I Have A Dream" in the movie Tangled (it was on Elder Miners card he took with him during transfers). Our alarm is now the typical alarm that just yells at you until you get up and go, but it works just fine :) It is incredibly important to have a dream/vision for life. If you don't have an end destination in mind, you have no direction. In order to realize your dreams, you must consciously make decisions on a daily basis that bring you closer to your desired destination. First, you need to decide what you want to do. Secondly, you must set SMART goals.  Goals are measurable and should be in line with helping you check your progress on the way to accomplishing your vision. If you ever don't know what you should be doing...bored, just don't know...set goals. Finally, make plans and act on them. By breaking it down to a specific plan with realistic steps, you suddenly know HOW to meet your goals. You know what you must do to progress. 
There's a quote (that's supposedly from my notes--- according to my sister); it reads, "A goal is a dream with a deadline." This is the secret, at least in part, to a happy and successful life. You will go about your days with purpose. You will know you are progressing in meaningful ways. You will be able to adjust your plans and goals as life happens, and you will be able to find joy all along the way. First, you must dare to dream. Priorities is a good place to start--family, friends, the Savior. 
Just before Typhoon Megi


Some of the storm damage
As we have a set vision for our lives, we will find ourselves becoming better people as we go about anxiously engaged in good causes Doctrine and Covenants 58:27 "Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness".
Ether 12:4 "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God." This scripture talks about hoping for a better world...daring to we have this hope, this hope in Christ that through Him we can meet our goals and become who He needs us to become, we will be "always abounding in good works." Hopefully everyone had the chance to watch at least part of General Conference. If not, it isn't too late. Simply go to My invitation is to set new visions and goals...make plans based on the things you learn as you listen, watch, or read. Then, go forth. Pray for help when things get rough. He wants you to succeed. He wants what is best for you. Trust Him. Trust the Savior.
We went to the ocean for P-day last week. It was gorgeous!


General Conference was everything I had hoped it would be and more, but I'll talk more about it over time as I have the time to do so. Watch it. 

This week was rough in many ways due to some recent changes in the mission. The pool of people we teach and share with (investigators) was halved, and then...halved again (first by gender and then geographically), but we're moving forward with determination and faith in the future. We have a smaller area and less people to work with, but this isn't all bad as it gives us a clear focus. We have new visions, goals, and plans. We have direction and purpose. Unfortunately, I'm short on time, but there are miracles on the way. 
The food here is amazing!

Asian sloppy joes

The weather has been pretty rough, it just rains and rains! I gave a priesthood blessing in Chinese and got murdered by mosquitoes this past week.

This is what happens when you are out in the rain all day:

Have a purpose...and GO. Stick to a task until it sticks to you.

Thank you for your prayers and support!! 

All is well,Elder Dickson

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