Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 10 in Taiwan You don't get another "TODAY"--Make it Count!

 New rain gear

Jeffrey Su was a miracle this week. I found him a little over a month ago. He graduated from college in America, speaks English extremely well, and treats us as sons. However, he is crazy busy doing good things and difficult to meet with despite being retired. We stopped by one night this week and he happened to be home...we didn't get to talk long, but in short he is making sacrifices to come unto Christ. He's hosting a Judo tournament Mon.-Sat. this week, but he cancelled Friday to meet with us. As we left, he testified of the power and influence of prayer in his life. He said things have simply been easier these past few weeks as he's called on the Lord in prayer. He's starting to see the positive effects of following the Savior, and so, he is willing to make space for the Lord in his life. I'm excited for him. 

Thank you so much to the Funk family for my first package in Taiwan!!!

Sacrifice and correlation: 

"No man can understand the joyful sensations created by such a meeting, except one who has been in tribulation for the gospel's sake" (Wilford Woodruff upon reuniting with the prophet, Joseph Smith, post-Liberty Jail)
Alma 26:16-17 Ammon experienced joy to the point of passing out upon seeing his brethren
Luke 24:50-53 the disciples of Christ experienced "great joy" upon reuniting with the Savior again after His resurrection

Happy Halloween!, our ward here even had a little celebration


Sacrifice and suffering makes the reunion all the sweeter. Thanks to the gospel of Jesus Christ...there will always be a reunion to look forward to. There are no final "goodbyes;" only "till we meet agains." We simply determine what kind of meetings they will be. Returning to friends and family after suffering and struggling will be a joy-filled day. It will be the beginning of many happy reunions to come until...ultimately, we will be reunited with our Father in Heaven. Let us determine to do everything in our power today to make that day the greatest of days. 

I've been reading "Our Heritage" this week and have stood in awe at the sacrifices and sufferings endured by the early saints of this dispensation. As I've pondered their lives, I've thought of others who gave everything for the gospel--for the Lord: Abinadi, John the Baptist, Joseph Smith, etc. Then my thoughts turned to the One, the One who gave all. He suffered all. He overcame all. He did it for you. He did it for me. 
Having dumplings with most of the zone and other great food



This past week has been trying. I've been tried and tested more in these past few months than in all my life prior to leaving on my mission. Yet, I'm grateful. I'm grateful to sacrifice for such a cause as this--the work of the salvation of mankind: the work of God. Within "Our Heritage," there is a quote from a man who survived the trek across the plains. Several church members were criticizing the leaders of the church for ever allowing the saints to make such a journey at such high costs when this man stood and bore powerful witness: "we came through with the absolute knowledge that God lives for we became acquainted with him in our extremities...the price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay..." A privilege to truly is a privilege to pay. I'm grateful that God trusts me to labor in His behalf. I'm grateful for the suffering and sacrifice it entails; I only wish I had more to offer. I'm giving Him all I have...all I am. I'm giving Him my two mites (Mark 12:41-44), and it is a privilege to pay. 

"Where ere thou art, act well thy part." - President David O. McKay

You don't get another TODAY. Make it count. I'm patient (Ether 12:6). Have faith in the future! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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