Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 9 in Taiwan. 4 months as a missionary

 Singing at a baptism

With Peter Pan!

what Mr. Tilmon would almost die for at the top of those steps--super cool graves
(Mr. Tilmon loves graveyards)

"Don't Give Up. You are Loved" (a line from a song by Josh Groban and a source of strength and comfort this week). This week was difficult and challenging; in reality, my mission thus far has been difficult and challenging. I love the people here so very much and wish more than anything for them to come unto Christ and experience the joys of living the gospel. I love those we teach. I love the ward and want to strengthen them in their efforts. I love the Lord and know He loves me. With all my heart and soul I wish to please Him. I'm giving everything. I know the significance of the work I am doing, and it seems like time is flying by. I want to make every second count. I do not know why we have not had greater visible success, but I take solace in that which I do know: God loves me. He loves you. He loves all of His children. 1 Nephi 11:17 "And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."

P-day at the ocean

Having Quabing-it's kind of like shaved ice but then again not at all

 noodle soup




 clean apartment

It's okay that we don't know or understand everything. What's important is our focus; our focus needs to be our faith in that which we do know. I know God loves His children. He has a plan for us, and as we follow Him, we will one day look back and realize it has all been for our good. I know I will one day look back with gratitude on this time as a time of growth and refinement. I trust God. I'm just grateful that He trusts me enough to serve Him in this, the greatest of all labors, the work of God. Meanwhile...I have witnessed the tender mercies of the Lord time and time again. He has comforted me. He has strengthened me, and I have seen miracles...daily.

after a few months on the island
my skin

my shoes are molding from all the rain

lots of spiders

I'll share about at least one evening (time is short today). Elder Hawkes, Elder Clegg, Elder Balmforth, and I met up for dinner prior to an exchange. I went with Elder Clegg to Meilun (much more city-like than Jian). It was my first exchange outside of my area and full of miracles. At the start of the evening, Elder Clegg told me he was craving some chocolate. I told him we should make it a "side mission," that we would go about the work and find an awesome investigator who would "qing" (give) us chocolate to eat. At the time it seemed more like a we went. We first went to find an address he previously hadn't been able to locate. In almost no time we were able to track it down though it appeared to be nonexistent (often the case with the ward lists here). We didn't give up though. We continued to search the area until we came across a set of mail boxes (one belonging to the missing address). After a little detective work, we found the building we thought the person lived in. Locked. Nope. Never mind. A neighbor pulled up right then and welcomed us into the apartment complex. We climbed 5 double flights of steep stairs and there we were. Knocked. Knocked again...turned to go. Wait. Might have heard something. Waited...and then gave the door a real good pounding. A kind woman came to the door and we learned that it was the person we had been looking for. As we talked with her in the doorway, her children got home and we were able to talk with all of them. Only the mother is a member, but they said we could return and I believe they attended church this past Sunday.

We were a little stunned from the miracle we had witnessed as we made our way down the mountain of a building only to find a young family walking by at its base. We talked with them for a little while and learned that they were new parents struggling with the difficulties that brings with it, and...that they lived in my area! We got their contact information and are going to follow up with them this week. From there we went to visit someone who had shown interest in the church in the past. Knocked. Not home. Turned to go...when what do you know? He pulled up on his motorbike and welcomed us in. We met with him and shared the Restoration with him in such a way that he finally, after years of meeting with missionaries, truly understood. The Spirit was present and it clicked! At the close of the lesson, he excused himself to the kitchen for a moment from which we heard these words: "Can Mormons eat chocolate?" (only in Chinese). Next thing we knew we were eating chocolate covered raisins from the Costco all the way up in Taipei...chocolate...our little side mission was accomplished. Did we need chocolate? Certainly not, but God wanted to witness His love for us and knowledge of our specific circumstances and wishes. God knows you. He loves you. Trust Him.

Just trust Me
The darkest hours of the night come before the dawn. Don't be afraid to let go of what you've always known. The Lord has something better in store.

Thank you for all of the letters I got from friends and family and for wishing dad a happy birthday. I hear it was a blast! Prayers are also always greatly appreciated.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

(that was only one evening. I could share miracles from every day of the week. I'm trying to keep a good journal. We're seeing miracles and doing our very best. Outward success? none really, but I know God has a purpose in all things and I will press forward undaunted)

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