Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Week 8 in MiaoLi: Preparation day was on Wednesday this week

Sorry this post is late.  My preparation day was on Wednesday instead of Monday this past week because we had the opportunity to go to the temple in Taipai.  

 Wayne and Dallin got baptized!

I don't know if I will have time later or not, so I'll write a little something and the rest will have to wait until Monday. We're going up to the temple today. Therefore, we had to get up at 3 AM to email a little bit and then catch the morning train. I'm excited for an incredible day. It's my first time going to the temple here in Taipei, but I believe I will be going again soon with my good friends and brothers in the gospel--Wayne and Dallin. It's been miraculous to watch them change and grow through their conversion process. I love them and am so very proud of their efforts and testimony. I love you all! Have the best week!

Trying to be David and slay Goliath

We had a lesson in Tongxiao


We got to go to Costco!!!
Costco = Mini America in Taiwan ;)

 Ham and pineapple pizza! 

The beauty of Taiwan and the creepy crawlies of Taiwan

I'm sorry I couldn't write more. I did all I could. I'm super excited for the temple, and we've really got to go or we'll miss another train ;P

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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