Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 16 in MiaoLi

 I developed a new talent this past week and the children love it:
Balloon creations

Time is a funny thing...there's never enough of it. I feel like I wrote a weekly update only yesterday. I also had several other experience this week that led me to ponder quite a bit about time and the importance of how we spend it. Brother Wen, my good friend and brother, passed away late Saturday night. I love the man and am grateful to have gotten to know him. I'm glad he is no longer in pain, and I am confident that he will accept the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Spirit World. I'm grateful for the Plan of Salvation that brings peace in times like these. I know I will see him again, and it will be a joyous day.

Learned about farming in Taiwan last P-day

 In addition, there was a baby blessing on Sunday, and we visited the most incredible family this week. The husband is confined to a wheelchair and Taiwanese. His wife is Filipino and neither of them really speak the language of the other very well, but I have never known a happier couple. This comes from a firm belief in the Great Plan of Happiness. In the end, all will be right. Revelations 21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

I wear gloves every day (thank you Chipman family) but I'm still having a little trouble with my hands...but it's all good.


 Please read or watch this discourse given by a living prophet today: "The Perfect Path to Happiness

We have been led by the Spirit to see and take part in many miracles this week. It truly felt like every second was used in the way the Lord intended us to use it and much good was accomplished. There is great power in trusting in the Lord and then going and doing what you know to be right. Who knows? You may even find yourself working in a field on an island on the other side of the world. Whatever the case, God has a plan for you. Trust Him.

We hosted a very successful ward activity this week that resulted in finding several new investigators to teach. It was a ping pong tournament (all those times in the basement with dad really paid off, but Brother Yang took the title in the final match). :D 
Chidaobao (all you can eat buffet)  on P-day  

I've also been blessed lately with a change in the way I view myself on the street. I remember, in training, I oftentimes felt we were an unwelcome interruption to peoples' days as we ran into them on the street. This was due in large part to the often less than ecstatic response on the part of those we met. However, I have more recently seen us as more of a ray of sunshine blessing the lives of everyone we meet. It actually hurts to pass by an individual on the side of the street without at least sharing a little bit of the message we bring with them. 

Michael told us this week that he "knows the seed is good."  See Alma 32

I love you all! Have the best week! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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