Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Week 19 in MiaoLi

 The district before transfers this past week
Elders Dickson, Raley, Robbins, Johnson
Sisters Eyre and Chang

This week brought with it some surprises, many challenges, and many miracles. Elder Johnson and Sister Chang left us. It was like saying goodbye to family. Elder Johnson will be greatly missed. I've lived and worked with him now for near to 5 months. I always looked up to him from the day I first met him. He's a real man and an outstanding missionary. He always seeks to do that which he knows to be right. Despite missing him, I'm excited for him. He's now serving as a zone leader in Hualian: he's living in my old apartment, is a member of my old ward, will eat the the places I used to love to eat, and he's evening teaching some of the investigators I found during training including good old Jeffrey Su who is nearing baptism. He'll love it there. The Lord knows what He's doing.
I was also surprised to learn upon the arrival of the new missionaries that I was the new district leader. It's crazy; I'm now training and serving as district leader in a district with only two missionaries who have been out longer than I (and only by 1 transfer and 2 transfers). Two of the missionaries are currently in training (including my companion and Sister Eyre's new companion, Sister Eyring, who happens to be the granddaughter of President Eyring). Elder Robbins new companion is from Taiwan and super cool: Elder Ren.

P-day was good. We had ZhenZhu wars on the river rocks. ZhenZhu are little sticky balls that are made of brown sugar and are yummy and sticky. "We bought cups full of them and then ran around and shot each other with them. Super sticky and a little gross but it was fun!"-- Elder Lawrence

P-day on the river rocks: ZhenZhu Wars

We were "fanged" (pronounced "fawned") a lot this week: this means that people set up an appointment to meet with us, we prepare a lesson and make several calls to confirm with them before the meeting (sometimes even 1/2 hour before the lesson), they tell us they'll be there, we show up, wait...they never come. My understanding is that it is a polite way of expressing disinterest, but it certainly feels like it would be easier if they simply told us they weren't interested (granted this frequently occurs as well). However, all is well :) 
Taiwanese plant

After counseling together with Elder Raley, we decided to change our approach in all contacts. My Chinese has gotten to the point where I can oftentimes push people into setting up a time with us, but that isn't the way it's meant to be done. We're switching off of an approach that involves a lot of intellectual arguments and persuasion to a very simple testimony and a simple invitation. We're seeing success as we rely more heavily on the Spirit. We are able to contact more people as our contacts are shorter, and we will likely be fanged less as those less than interested likely won't accept our invitation to meet with us. We're excited to see success from this increased reliance on the Spirit as opposed to our own abilities. 

We played a game in English class that was essentially "But wait! There's more!" They loved it. 

I couldn't contain my joy upon seeing Michael this week. His countenance was changed (Elder Raley asked him if he had gotten a hair cut). The Light of Christ was visible in his eyes. He was so happy and grateful all through the lesson. The change the gospel has wrought in his life is miraculous. I still remember, our member present in his first lesson told us we wouldn't be meeting with him again...that he wasn't interested in the least and entirely traditional and couldn't change...impossible. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.

We biked to the new campus of the National United University this week. Talk about a ride...we came up to a hill that looked as though it would never end with a grade that hurt to see. I said a prayer to myself and went. I watched my front tire the entire time and never looked up as we pounded our way up the slope. I finally did look up only to realize we had reached the top of the ascent and that it would all be downhill from there. I think there are several lessons to learn from this. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the trials we face in life. We look at the grade and length of the climb we face and shrink in fear. There is great power in confronting such trials with prayer and sustained effort a day (or a pedal) at a time. Focus on what needs to be done in the present and you will surprise yourself when you look back and see how far you have come. Through prayer, we can be assured of our ability to succeed and maintain the right perspective. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.
 I didn't see this guy as I was reaching for the doorbell

 Elder Robbin's origami dragon

 Dinner to go...

 which turned my bike basket into a take-out box :0


We also met a woman this week who had seriously considered suicide and murder as escapes from the struggles of her daily life. She felt that all her dreams had fallen through, and she had no hope for the future. It's sad to think that anyone could possibly feel this way. The truth is we don't have to. Life is hard. It is meant to be this way. Our message to her and to all is that there is a loving Savior who knows and understands us perfectly...personally. He loves you, and He is anxious to come to your aid. Let Him in. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.

I hit my 9 month mark this week. I can't believe how quickly the time is passing. I'm grateful for every moment, and I am especially grateful for the opportunity to serve in Miaoli a little longer; it's the best! 

We saw countless miracles this week that I could recount to you for hours, but there simply isn't the time. The good thing is that you can and do see similar miracles in your own lives on a daily basis. I invite you to make a conscious effort to recognize these miracles and thank the Lord for the many blessings He showers upon us.

It's the best time of the year! General Conference! General conference happens every 6 months and we get to hear the words of our living prophet, the 12 apostles, and other leaders of the church. See general conference or General Conference . Women's conference was this past Saturday and those talks can be heard at the above links already.  The live broadcast of the others will be from 11am-1pm and 3-5pm on Saturday and Sunday Central time.  The priesthood session will be from 7-8:30pm Saturday night, central time.

I love you all!

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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