Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Good-bye to MiaoLi, week 1 in Beitou (suburb of Taipei)

A lot can happen in a weeks time...

Baptism in Beitou

I said goodbye to Miaoli this past week. Wow, it was hard...really hard. I gave everything to Miaoli. I really feel like I put in everything I had to offer. As a result, I feel like Miaoli gave everything to me. It's truly a home away from home, and the people are family. I miss them all so much. I was picking up some things from the chapel on my last day in Miaoli when Cash called. I told him the news and then had to wrap up the conversation real quick...as I imagined a world without him in it, I couldn't keep it together and started bawling (there was a lot of this before I left). It's not really goodbye; they're all lifelong friends, and I'll see them again. I was also blessed with a lot of cool miracles that allowed me to know that the Lord was pleased with my efforts in Miaoli and that I had done His will for me while there...that it was time for me to move on. One miracle was that my recent convert, Dallin, just happened to drive past the restaurant where we were eating our last meal at just a time that I was able to get his attention and we were able to say our goodbyes.

Saying good-bye to MiaoLi

 Passing down the multi-generational tie that my trainer, Elder Hawkes passed down to me.  Parting with Elder Raley was not easy for me, I've truly come to care for him as my "son" and we fought fear and scattered sunshine together. I will really miss having him for a companion.

Onward...I'm in Beitou! Beitou is in northern Taipei, and it's something of a tourist spot in the great metropolis. Getting here was something of a miracle in and of itself. For "convenience," I decided to take all 200 pounds of my luggage with me. It took a lot of praying, but I made it with a bit of help.

 Xinbeitou MRT station

Transfers...an opportunity to learn and grow

During studies the other day, I came across a scripture that comforted me: 2 Nephi 10:20 "And now, my beloved brethren, seeing that our merciful God has given us so great knowledge concerning these things, let us remember him, and lay aside our sins, and not hang down our heads, for we are not cast off; nevertheless, we have been driven out of the land of our inheritance; but we have been led to a better land, for the Lord has made the sea our path, and we are upon an isle of the sea. Not that Beitou is better, but I felt that it was time to really move on and put my all into Beitou. At present, it is the will of the Lord for me to be here, and so it is the "better land" for me at this time. My new companion is Elder Alexander from Hawaii. He's incredible.

My new companion, Elder Alexander

At my first new convert fireside in Taipei. We went with our new member, Kenneth.

It's my first time in a 2-man apartment. We've set some new goals, and I'm learning how to do missionary work in the city. Elder Alexander is only one transfer younger than I and has been in Taipei all his mission, so he's got a lot of valuable experience he's sharing with me. We're excited for a good transfer and anticipate that we will see many a miracle during these next 6 weeks.

Pictures of Beitou

At the chapel here

 The ward mission leader

Our home away from home

It has a backyard

celebration after the baptism

Good food in Beitou

We met a cool Buddhist man on the street. He told us straight out that he was Buddhist and had no interest in changing his religion. He then proceeded to compliment us. He told us we needed to keep working to find those prepared to hear our message and come unto Christ. He said he felt that Christ would soon come again. We asked him why he felt that way, and he proceeded to point out many of the signs of the times/recent events. Christ will come again. I don't know when that time will come. No one does, but it's important to be ready for that time. Come unto Christ. Come to know Him. This can be done through prayer, scripture study, church attendance, serving others, and working with missionaries like us. That's our calling, to "invite others to come unto Christ." I would invite you to work with the missionaries near you. Work with them to find and aid others in coming to know the Savior of all the world. We cannot fail with the Lord on our side.

I love you all! 

All is well,Elder Dickson

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