Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 24 in MiaoLi

In a way, this email covers the last two weeks due to the temple trip last week.

At the temple in Taipei

Celebrating Sister Eyre's birthday in Taipei

Mango Cuabing

It's crazy to think, but training is all but over. We find out Wednesday about transfers, and Thursday we move on to the next chapter. We don't know what will happen yet, but we are fairly certain that either Elder Raley or I will be heading out. I'll miss the man. He's been good to work with, and he's been a true friend as well. He's ready for whatever comes next.

Origami activity made possible by Elder Robbins

I don't know if Taiwan has a monsoon season or not, but if so, we're in it. In contrast, we spent the most part of this last bit in something of a lesson drought. We've had a ton of appointments set-up, but in most all cases they've either called and cancelled or simply not shown up. It's been a bit of a test of patience being turned out in the rain and not really being able to teach, but it has been worth the wait. The last few days have been truly miraculous. We've been able to meet with many new promising investigators and help several set baptismal date goals. It led up to us having 8 investigators at church. This was a miracle indeed. I'm not sure why, but church attendance has been difficult for my investigators all throughout the mission. There was also a baptism this weekend--Sister Gao. She was so very prepared. I'm excited for Miaoli; we've got some great momentum going.

National United University in MiaoLi 

At one point this week, I had the opportunity to meet with an investigator facing many trials: smoking, drinking, involvement with a group similar to the mafia, pride, unhealthy relationships, and traditions that result in a vicious cycle of poverty, sickness, and early death. At one point, this man I've come to love exclaimed in frustration and defeat that it simply wasn't possible. "I can't do it!" he said. I felt prompted to say something that surprised me a little bit at first. I responded to his outburst by calmly agreeing with him. He couldn't do it. Then I told him of the Savior and of the absolute NEED to rely on Him and on His power, that only through Him could he succeed in turning his life around. The Spirit was present. I don't know how much it helped as he showed up to the lesson drunk, but it felt good to testify boldly of the Lord, Jesus Christ. This has been a recent focus of Elder Raley and I. We realized that in some of our street contacts we failed to speak of the Savior. This isn't acceptable for those who stand as full-time witnesses of Him who saved us all. We've put an emphasis on making Him the center of all we do and say and have seen miracles in so doing. It's also brought a special peace and an underlying confidence to me as we go about doing the Lord's work. Regardless of our apparent successes and failures, we know we are doing what we have been called to do. We know we are successful. When the Lord is on our side, we cannot fail.

My mission journal

Mom counting the days I'm gone

I hit my 10 months on the mission mark this past week. As I've reflected on my mission up to this point and on my goals relative to my mission, I've been led to do some self-evaluation. I've made a lot of changes for the better and learned tons, but I also realized that there is still so much I want to learn and to do better. I was privileged this past week to go on exchange with our zone leader, Elder Butler. I went into the exchange with these thoughts and questions and a desire to learn and grow. It's amazing how much I learned as I talked and worked with him. I've got a new vision and some new goals that I've very excited about.

Exchanges with Elder Butler and Elder Ren 

Included in my new goals is a desire to come to know the Savior on a more personal level. I want to study His words and teachings more deeply and come to know Him through personal experience. John 17:3 helps us understand the importance of this: "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." There are many ways to come to know the Savior. A wonderful way to get started is to read what prophets have written of Him. Please read The Living Christ.

The Importance of Prayer

(another missionary saw us outside and later sent me the picture)

On April 29th, one of the greatest men I know turned 16--my brother Hyrum. I'm so grateful for him and for the blessing it is to be his brother and friend. He's growing up fast. If you get the chance, please wish him happy birthday.

I love you all and wish you all the best!!! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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