Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 3 in Beitou: in the words of the Savior "Be Not Afraid, Only Believe"

Dear family and friends, 
I got to see Cash this past week 

We met a man this past week who literally came up to us looking for a church. He came, and as it happened, he was lucky enough to shake hands with an Apostle of the Lord: Elder Quentin L. Cook (though he didn't know it at the time). I also had the opportunity of going on exchange with Elder Miller up in Bali. He's a very experienced missionary with not much time left in the field, and I was able to learn a lot from him: we were able to do some yard work up in the mountains, we never ended up touching the bikes...and so we did a "fair bit" of walking, we had pizza at a beautiful place at the ocean side and were able to have a discussion about our missions to date (the peace I felt afterwards was surreal as I looked out over the ocean and reflected on my experiences in Taiwan). We witnessed several miracles that day, but I think my favorite was right before we entered the apartment. We were kind of "done for the day," but a boy passed us on the street right as we turned to go in the apartment. We yelled after him and just quickly asked if he would be interested in hearing a message about how Jesus Christ can bless his life. He said, "Yes! I have time on Sunday at 4PM. Here's my number and where would you like to meet?" No effort is wasted.
My exchange in Bali

Bali apartment

The ocean

Elder Miller
Amazing Pizza 

Chinese Chess

I had a scary experience on the MRT that I won't go into much if any detail on, but I will say that it is vitally important to make decisions in advance on issues of moral standards. I was protected and blessed for so doing. 

The weekend was full of spiritual feasting. Elder Cook of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles visited first for a Mission Conference and then for a Multi-Stake Conference the following day. We had the opportunity of shaking hands with and learning of him. The Spirit was powerful as he taught and testified of Christ. He told us he knew both the face of the Savior as well as the sound of His voice, that the Savior was very much aware of us, and that He loved us. I know He lives. He directs the church through a living prophet, and we need not fear.
Dan Bao Fan

Luo Agong was baptized in MiaoLi

 We wrote notes for most of our ward here:

I learned a great deal regarding faith this past weekend. Faith is the beginning of true conversion; it is the same power that keeps us moving forward day by day in the ways of the Lord. Faith is a principle of action; prayer, scripture study, and weekly partaking of the sacrament will provide the foundation needed for our spiritual survival in these difficult times. Ether 12:4 "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."

A great chapter to read about Faith!

In the words of the Savior, "Be not afraid, only believe."

I love you all!

All is well,
Elder Dickson
For P-day we went to trampoline park last Monday.  Elder Alexander taught me to do a front flip and a back flip.


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