Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 15 in Taoyuan

An exhausting week...really just tiring like nothing else. Between, ultimate frisbee, push-up competitions, and traveling everywhere on foot for a time, I've slept really well.

With President and Sister Chen

with Kenneth in Taipei

I was grateful for the opportunity afforded to us during zone conference this past week to consider our mission vision. As I reflected on what I had set out to do, what I had done already, and that which I still hoped to accomplish during my time here in Taiwan, I was overcome with a feeling of peace. It was like someone was hugging me. I know the Lord is pleased with and has accepted my humble service done in His name. Have I been perfect or even near to it? No, not in the slightest, but boy am I trying and that's okay. That's all we can do.

With Elder Weinberger on exchanges

Traveling in Taiwan

I was also reminded of some of the goals I set way back in training, and I recommitted myself to those. Has it been easy? No, but I heard a thought on this the other day I appreciated a great deal: "Is 'such-and such' (the mission/life/etc.) going to be hard? Of course it is! Heavenly Father loves you!" It's sometimes hard to see all of the reasons or to understand why things can't be easier, but I'm confident God has His plan for us and in the grand scheme of things those "setbacks" are oftentimes nothing more than the stepping stones to a bright future.


Here's a great video:

The Will of God

All is well,

Elder Dickson

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