Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 17 in Taoyaun


 Team building exercise in English class

Before leaving the apartment on Saturday, we prayed to find a family to teach. Before the night was through, we were blessed with not one, but two new families to teach. The first came by means of stopping and talking with an older man.  Before long, he had two children at his side and had invited us to head to the drink shop next door for a hot chocolate. And so it was, as the lesson drew to a close the kids were begging their father to give permission for them to pray, read the scriptures, and come to church. "Can we daddy? Please! Please Please! Oh can't we please..." It was a blessing and a joy to meet them and have the opportunity to be teaching them the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 The second family lives way out by the international airport. By the time we got out there, it was already nearing 9PM. After the front door yielded no results, we made our way to the back door as we had been directed to the back once before. We found evidence of only the grandparents and a toddler present, and the grandparents hadn't been too happy to see us the last time we had stopped in. What to do? Well, we prayed of course. Immediately following the prayer, we felt impressed to give it a go. Not five minutes later there we were sitting in a cozy living room with the father of the family. He's interested in our message, and it's what he wants for his young family. Miracles all around...

Celebrating Elder Hong's Birthday

Good Food!

It's hard to believe I finished being trained over a year ago and at this time last year was already in Miaoli苗栗. At the time, I hadn't an inkling of the many adventures and learning opportunities that lay in store. The next 6 months were some of the best of my life, and I hope and believe I'll be able to say the same about these next 6 months as well. My wish is that you'll be able to say the same.

Thank you for all your prayers and support! Have the best week!

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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