Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 18 in Taoyuan: Celebrating my birthday :)

Celebrating my 20th Birthday

My 20th birthday cake! :)

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! Two's crazy how fast the time passes. We saw a huge miracle last week. It all began with a man taking out the trash a couple of weeks ago. In short, we were on our way to visit a member and stopped to talk with a man and his daughter who came out with the sole intent of taking out the trash. We shared a little with them, but they didn't want to learn more. So, we gave them a flyer for our free English class and off we went. 

The dad attended the class that week and loved it. He was especially glad to take home his own copy of the Book of Mormon and start reading it. This past week we had the opportunity to sit down with him and share more about the Savior and His Restored Gospel. He was thrilled to see us and had already read the introduction and first 10 chapters of the book. He kept talking about a warm feeling in his heart, and his one question was that he wanted to know what he might do to keep that feeling. The Word of God has a way of bringing peace to our minds and joy to our hearts. We're excited to continue sharing with this wonderful man. 

Thanksgiving Feasting in Taiwan

Average day on the streets of Taiwan

I've been struggling with some physical difficulties for some time now that are finally starting to clear up. Things got worse before they got better, but they really are getting better. We all face trials in life. Some are small, others seemingly insurmountable. Some are shared with everyone and their dog, while others are fought out in the quiet chambers of your own soul. In the end, it is a battle between faith and fear, and with the Savior on our side we need not fear. 

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

"Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear." Moroni 8:16

With old friends/mission companions

Elder on a train

Thank you again for all you do and quite simply for being you. 

Choose happiness :D!

All is well,

Elder Reed Dickson

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the awesome message. Happy 20th birthday to Elder Reed Dickson! God Bless!
