Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Week 5 in Xizhi: Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With old friends!

The only thing that's been as crazy as this week is the weather. We jumped from sunny days with butterfly's drifting overhead to the good old heavy downpour characteristic of 汐止 in no time whatsoever. 

Thai food

I woke up Christmas morning with something of a cold and have yet to really recover. As one of my symptoms, I managed to lose my voice...like entirely. I woke up one morning and picked up a phone call before having talked at all with Elder Steffen yet that morning. I picked up and was frightened to find I made no sound. The people on the other end kept asking if I could hear and eventually hung up thinking there was something wrong with their phone. It was a puzzle figuring out how to teach lessons, talk with people on the street, and this one takes the cake; I taught a 90 minute advanced English class on espionage without talking at all. We kept things "hush-hush" if you get what I mean ;) 

We've been blessed lately with many families to teach. It's been rare for me to have the opportunity to teach whole families together for any extended period of time, but it's a joy indeed. The mother of the children in one family prays with their 3 children before bed each night. 

It must have been quite the show the other night watching me flag down a family on the street and motion at the stickers on my bike to try to get a message across. Blessedly they were friends of members in the ward here, and my companion soon arrived. They're also very humble and happy to listen. 

It's crazy to think I've been out over 18 months now and the Sisters I came to Taiwan with have all completed their service for the most part and returned home. 

It was also a joy to attend my friend Terry's baptism in 桃園。

We had a really cool miracle come about near the end of P-Day that prevented me from completing my letter and sending it off and have been busy since then, but I got permission to send off this email.

Have the Best Week!  

All is Well,

Elder Reed Dickson

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