Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Week 18 in Xizhi

Lunch with Terry and his wife (Taoyuan friends) 

We've had a great day. We went to Linkou for lunch with a couple of close friends of mine. The company and the food were of the highest quality and it was a peaceful, refreshing time. We then booked it over to Tianmu for Ultimate with some other missionaries (always a good time).

Linkou Station

Taiwanese burial plots

Beautiful view of a park

Chen Meijia was baptized Sunday. She's a true convert. We were also glad to attend a baptism in Tianmu Saturday night. There were three individuals being baptized that day--one of the three being a young man I referred to the missionaries there late last year. Our dear friend and progressing investigator Lyle was so kind as to drive us there and back after making us a delicious dinner no less. He informed us afterwards of his desire to move up his own baptismal date. At the same baptismal service we were blessed to find a new investigator for our own area as well as a referral for the Xizhi sisters. The ice cream provided afterwards was a welcome bonus :) 

With Taoyuan friends

With former AP and friend 蕫長老

Jiang's baptism in Tianmu 

Lyle's masterpiece

Monday night, we had a lesson with an awesome investigator. Our member present, a recent convert himself, did an outstanding job of relating to and assisting our investigator in overcoming his concerns. I was overjoyed roughly 15 minutes later to run into the two of them on the street with sodas in hand and full-out grins filling their faces. They laughed and thought it funny to have run into us again and were off on their way just enjoy themselves and having a good chat. This is what investigators need: not a member present, but a friend. 

English Class on Baking

Plan of salvation for children

I am sometimes saddened to look back and realize how much of my mission lies behind me and how little seems to be left. However, I was thinking the other day and came to the realization if my mission was a pizza, I'd still have a full slice to enjoy. I can assure you I wouldn't mourn over the loss of the pizza in my stomach. I'd be quite satisfied with it actually, but I am equally certain I wouldn't hesitate to down that last slice with pleasure. I'm grateful for the miracle and the blessing of a mission. It's been the best two years, and I intend to savor every moment down to the last bite ;P

At Fireside

With Kenneth

I'm grateful for living prophets. Though we have yet to see General Conference ourselves, I've been impressed by the revelations I've heard about and know the living Savior stands at the head of this His living church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I invite you to come closer unto Christ today. I've found great peace in Him and His teachings. You can too. Please watch The Prince of Peace

I know He lives! 
Happy Easter! 

All is well, 
Elder Dickson

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