Friday, April 13, 2018

Week 19 in Xizhi

Transfers came and I stayed in Xizhi to finish training. I had an ocular migraine on P-day so wasn't I able to email much this week but I will write more next week.

With family away from family

I got permission to find a sec to write and say all is well. I'll be brief as there's much to be done now even at 10pm. There's too much to really try to summarize between: transfers, General Conference, and zone conference. I'm feeling well now, but boy are we busy. The sisters' area was closed leaving only Elder Fredenberg and I in Xizhi. We have a teaching pool of over 20 investigators with nearly 10 on date for baptism. A handful really appreciate Daily visits from us. Go go go! What's more, we are in the middle of moving into the sisters' old apartment. My companion and I also were moved in with an all elder district...always interesting.

From my English class

Our English class is bursting at the seams with roughly 10 new students each week. I was most definitely stressed at first thinking about taking on additional investigators, managing the English class with 1/2 the teachers, moving, and lovingly knocking some heads together as needed (and all of this while still training Elder Fredenberg). Anyway, 1 Nephi 3:7 has been coming up a lot...and it's true; God is preparing the way day by day.

All is well!

Elder Dickson

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