Thursday, March 29, 2018

Week 17 in Xizhi

With Elder Fredenberg

Jungle Speed with the YSA

Teaching English class

We went with a member today to play Laser Tag with a group of missionaries. It got a little intense, but it was alright.

Laser tag on P-day


The beach at Yilan

With my brother

A common sight in in Taiwan

The train

Food from Thailand

A Sandwich worth eating...
containing mashed potatoes, peanut butter, cheese, and whole lot of delicious!

We started teaching the daughter of the couple baptized last week. I really enjoy teaching children as it requires us to teach simply. We asked her if her dad loved her. She responded "Yes! Of course!" We asked her how she could be sure. She listed off several things her dad does for her: picks her up from school, goes to work, etc. We then asked her if God loves her. She again responded in the affirmative. We shared with her why we were certain God loved her by teaching of families and prophets. It was fun pulling out a picture book and sharing the story of Noah and the Ark.

Later that night we ran across a man from Macedonia. No sooner did we meet him, but his ride started pulling away without him in the vehicle. Determined, the pursuit began. Upon arriving at their destination we helped them out of the car and had a great exchange. Immediately after, we stopped by our friend Harry at his workplace. Unfortunately, he was busy. We picked up a chocolate bar, gave Harry the money, and may just have accidently left it on the counter. I'm sure someone helped us take care of it ;)

Saturday morning we played ping pong with Lyle. His wife and daughter joined the church last year. I've never met someone so prepared and excited to learn the gospel in my life. He went to church for the first time in his life last Sunday and is determined to never miss a week again. He's a retired school teacher and great to be around.

We've lately been meeting with and seeking to understand the situations of all the prospective Elders (men between the ages of 18 and 26). There are about 10 or so in our current ward. It's been really fulfilling just to help these guys build their faith and come closer to Christ. Several already have a desire to serve missions. I wouldn't have minded if the missionaries in my home ward had worked more with me back in the day.

We had a lesson at the fire station on Saturday morning and came across a man who had fallen and cut his fingers up pretty well. We were glad for the opportunity to serve. We are never too busy to help the one in need.

I've been enjoying accompanying daily study of the New Testament to my daily study of the Book of Mormon. It's been a powerful combination and has built my faith. I also highly recommend the Bible videos made by the church (especially the section on miracles). See this link: Bible videos

We've been incredibly blessed with many people to teach. It's gotten to the point where our members and Investigators are pretty much all we talk or think about and it's glorious. It's nice to be able to forget yourself and really love and seek the welfare of others. Here lies the key to happiness. It even got to the point today where I was feeling a little down and needed to talk with someone about the Savior as we hadn't had many opportunities being busy with P-Day. We have an investigator who used to smoke a pack a day now switched over to chewing gum, a guy who makes a 30 minute commute to work on a nice motorcycle spending the time in prayer, and many others experiencing and feeling the joys of positive change and repentance in their lives. Service is the key to happiness!

Remember this weekend is General Conference and the opportunity to hear the words of our living Prophet and the 12 apostles as well as other leaders. See this link: 2018 General Conference

Our members are the Best!

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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