Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Week 20 in Xizhi

Playing a fun game called Wink ;)

Short hair cuts

We've been keeping busy. I'll liken the work to a tree. For the better part of my mission that tree has been planted firmly in a desert place. We've stretched our roots out far and wide exerting every effort to find those prepared to hear the word and come unto Christ. We've always been blessed to find those prepared, but there was certainly never a great abundance. Lately, our tree seems to have found its way into a lake of sorts. It's simply not possible to soak up all the opportunities afforded us. We're just doing well not to drown. We're doing well to balance our 27 current investigators. Amazing to me is that the quality of these investigators is incredibly high! Many have real desires to learn the gospel and follow the Savior.

I was grateful for General Conference and the messages delivered. Personal revelation has been increasingly important to my companion and I in recent times. If you haven't seen it yet, it's not too late. Watch it now at If you have seen it, watch or listen to the messages again. I guarantee you'll find something in the messages from these living prophets that will help you in your current situation. Choose blessings :)

I've had some migraines lately, and to be honest I don't feel I've totally recovered from the last one. I feel a little cloudy in the head and have just felt slower. Our dear investigator Lyle took me to the hospital and they'll run some tests in early May. It's likely just the result of my sinuses acting up, but it doesn't hurt to check.

Got a letter from my sister, Emilie: (She drew my family on the roof of our house welcoming me home.)

Jilong for District Training Meeting

We moved to a different apartment since ours was sold.

Speaking of Lyle, his baptism is this Saturday. He's as prepared as they get. We met him roughly a month ago when his 8 year old daughter brought him to church for the first time, and he's been asking us to let him get in the baptism font ever since. He's a good man and an even better friend.

Today was temple day. It was good to feel the peace found only in the House of the Lord. I have faith in the future. Next time I go to the temple I'll be preparing to return home.

All is well!
Elder Dickson

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