Saturday, May 26, 2018

Week 25 in Xizhi: I'm staying here until the end and I have two new companions!

Transfers...Surprise! I'm still in Xizhi. Bishop spoke with President and it was a done deal. I'll spend the remainder of my mission here in the promised land. It's an amazing place! I'll miss my "son" Elder Fredenberg, but I've got two new companions: Elder Brown and Elder Raymond. They're good missionaries and great men. If someone had to "kill" me, I'm glad it's them. Elder Raymond is a living Fix-it-Felix and Elder Brown is a Hercules of sorts. 

Seeing the "Lamb of God" production and visiting Miaoli

Today was a dream. We got permission to spend the day in Miaoli visiting with recent converts and members. Missions are so short. It feels like I was there only yesterday. I remember and cherish my time there. Miaoli is another home. The people there are my family, and they welcomed me as such. I love them.

I was both moved and impressed by the production we went to see Saturday night--the Lamb of God. It was a musical of sorts about the life of Christ. The Spirit was powerful. I was glad to see many old friends and overjoyed to learn 賴明宏 was baptized a couple weeks ago in Taoyuan.

We continue to see miracles as we put our trust in the Lord and work with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. We set a goal last night to set up a couple of people off the street to hear the gospel. Within 5 minutes we had met our goal. Within the night we had doubled it. It was by no means due to anything on our part. It was a miracle for which we were grateful.

Love y'all! (I'm working on my English)

All is well,

Elder Reed Dickson

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