Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Week 7 in the MTC, we get our flight plans this week!

Another week closer to Taiwan. We get our flight plans in a couple of days now. The district is calling tomorrow Christmas Eve and Friday (the day we get our flight plans) Christmas Day.

Old (Elder Dickson and Elder Lawrence) and New Zone Leaders (Elder Chang and Elder Wilde)

Our Awesome, Massive Zone

The new missionaries are here. There are a ton of them, and they're all wonderful. I met an Elder Doyle.  His dad was in the MBA program at the University of Texas at Austin around the same time my dad was doing his Ph.D. in Management there.  Our zone now has 59 missionaries overall. We were able to meet them first. The orientation and tour went wonderfully. I feel like we did our best work as zone leaders this past week. We welcomed the new missionaries and trained the new zone leaders, but above all this, I believe we were able to be instruments in the hands of the Lord in changing the missions and the lives of two elders going to Taiwan at the same time as us. They haven't got along well since getting here. They're very different people, and they did not want to communicate with or trust one another. We met with their district leader and ended up having a discussion that included the two of them, their district leader, and my companion and I.

They were able to clear the air and work out what it was they were each doing that was bothering the other. We were able to facilitate an atmosphere in which they were able to resolve their own problems. My companion and I shared that we hadn't gotten along at first. We too are quite opposite in most every way, but that doesn't matter because we have the same goals and communicate everything to each other so that we might continually improve and build our relationship. We get along wonderfully now. They've been doing great since we met with them. They talk through their problems and really look to the needs and desires of the other now instead of focusing on their personal grievances. I was grateful to be able to witness the Savior heal this previously struggling relationship.

It's all about the WHY? When we remember why we're here, it is then we are most successful. Sometimes we just need to help others remember what their why is. Sometimes we need to be reminded of what our own why is in life. The most powerful and pure reason/motivation is always tied to love. Love others, and you will be able to change their lives.

Elder Lawrence and I were released from our calling as zone leaders this week on Sunday. It was a bittersweet experience. It's sad because we both very much enjoyed being able to help and serve the other missionaries; we are still able to do this, though not to the same extent. At the same time, we did feel a weight lifted off of us. As zone leaders, we kind of gave up our MTC experience for a time to ensure that the other missionaries in our zone were having the MTC experiences they needed to have. We were very glad to do it, but it's also nice to be able to focus on preparing for Taiwan as the time draws nearer.

The new zone leaders are incredible elders. They're fairly shy (as am I), but they're perfectly obedient. As a result, I know the Lord will make them equal to the task. My companion and I are also here to help up until we leave. They're doing great.
We get lots of opportunities to do service here. We got to work in the temple laundry room which was a cool experience.  We also got to eat in the temple this past week. It was a nice break from the MTC food.

(We convert the gym into the main meeting room and back again twice a week. Sorry the photos are pretty blurry; I was trying to capture the fun while still being involved in the midst of it.)

We had mission conference this week. I felt like the meeting was truly meant for me. Unfortunately, I'm short on time. Fortunately, I took some stellar notes. ;) 

We watched Ephraim's Rescue this week. I had never seen it before, but I do recommend it.

Mom had asked last fast Sunday if they still serve cordon bleu in the evenings on fast Sundays, and the answer is yes. It's one of the best meals served here. 

We hosted the senior missionaries again this week. It was a pleasure to be able to get to know them--where they're serving, what they've done in their lives, and their commitment to serving the Lord. There's a joke that's told at most every devotional; it goes something like this: the person conducting the meeting asks the senior missionaries to stand. He then says, "This is where we hope to see you in a few years. We'll even let you pick your own companion." It was pretty funny the first few times, but it's still a cool thought even now.

Elder Holland's son, Matthew Holland, came and spoke at the MTC on Sunday. He looks and sounds much like his father. He spoke about Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My testimony was strengthened, and I also took away that doing the Lord's work isn't always the easiest or most comfortable thing (I already knew this, but it was definitely reinforced and I believe I will soon understand this on a much more personal level). Nevertheless, I am grateful to be able to serve the Lord. 

I'm somewhat sick. It's just a cold...I think, but I'm working hard to get better before we ship out if at all possible. 

Zone volleyball was good. We filled five of six courts pretty well with our almost 60 missionaries...good times.

We're losing a teacher this week. Her visa is expiring and so she must leave us. She's been a wonderful teacher. We'll be sad to see her go and are trying to put together a little something for her. We expect to get a new teacher tomorrow

I was grateful to receive a package from the Funk family this week. Thank you for the letters and the picture too. It was wonderful to receive encouraging words from friends and also to hear how things are going back in Cape. The package may or may not have also included some particularly delicious treats...Thank you again. They were enjoyed by many (myself included)  :)

Mallory. Mallory, my sister, is the best sister any brother could ever hope to have. Don't worry E, you're just as amazing ;) Thank you so much for the package Mallory. I don't know how long it took to put together, but I can assure you it will be used regularly for years to come. It may be the nicest thing anyone has ever made for me. The wisdom and love imparted in your "book" is inspiring and has helped me already. In other words, I think you've got Christmas and birthday presents covered for a few years. Thank you Mallory. I can't fully express my thanks to you through email, but I will endeavor to do so by using your gift daily and by being the best missionary I can be.Thanks also to everyone who contributed their favorite, thoughts, quotes, words of advice, etc. to Mallory's project.  It will great to have them with me in Taiwan!

Mallory's project:
A work in progress

Completed and sent to me :)

Sorry if my English isn't the most coherent. My Chinese continues to improve. As a result, my English abilities are steadily declining. We get to bless the sacrament on Sunday. It's not an easy thing in Mandarin, but it is worth it.
The blessing on the water in Chinese

We did Skype TRC this week. The member we taught lives in Taipei, Taiwan and is a recent convert. Her name was Sister Liao. We were able to help her and she was able to help us too. It was really cool to meet someone who lives where we will be going in a short time now (and to help them no less).

Elder Andersen of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles came to the MTC yesterday--an Apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Yes, like Peter, James, or John. It was a huge blessing. It was also his 65th birthday, and so, we had the opportunity to sing "Happy Birthday" to him as an MTC (not exactly an everyday experience...). He could have taught on anything, but he chose to teach basic principles we've learned many a time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. His focus was clear, and his message was powerful. He stressed that missionary work was not complex, but that it was not easy either. "Be clean. Be obedient. Be busy." It comes down to this. I felt that I needed to stop worrying about so many little things and simply focus on a few things that are most important. I'll be able to be much more productive this way.

Speaking of productive, Elder Lawrence and I made new study plans since being released from our calling as zone leaders. Our studies are phenomenal. It's one of the best parts of the day. One of the things that has really helped is that I have started keeping a "take-a-way" journal where I can record the things I  learn that I can then work to implement into my daily life.

The district plans to do an exchange on Friday. This means that I will be with a different companion for the day. It will be an opportunity for us to learn from one another and also learn how to get along with one another. I'm a bit sad as I've come to love my companion for who he is, but it will be a good experience, I'm sure.

The choir was the largest it's ever been in MTC history this week--over 1500 strong. It was cool to be able to sing in this spiritually powerful group.

There was one point this week when I was pretty stressed. It was just for a moment, but I felt that I should, when I feel stressed in the future, stop, remember who's on my side, and then continue. When I'm stressed it's difficult to feel the Spirit, and without the guidance of Spirit I cannot do the work of the Lord. I need the Spirit.

I'm grateful for the time I've had at the MTC thus far. I'm even grateful that I'm here for 9 weeks as opposed to 6 weeks or 3 weeks as I am still learning and growing every day. The Lord is taking both me and my testimony, finding the weakest points, and turning them into strengths. It's not an easy process by any means, but I'm grateful and I trust Him.

"Feeling down? Find someone to lift." It's really this simple. I'm working hard to change my nature and focus outward more and more. I believe this will be very important relating to my success as a missionary and in life. When you think you need help, find someone who needs it more. your problems will be taken care of. Trust God. He trusts you.

During testimony meeting this Sunday, I had this thought come to my heart and to my mind; "Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ, can ever, truly, save a life."Christ is the only way to be saved: John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." I'm excited to go out and teach my brothers and sisters in Taiwan about Him.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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