Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Week 6 Provo MTC

The week passed at an almost alarming rate. We'll find ourselves in Taiwan before we know it.

Here is a picture of a shirt that Reed sent home for us! Hyrum is displaying it!

The temple was wonderful last Wednesday and in many ways an answer to prayer. In short, my testimony of the temple was greatly fortified this week. God answers prayers according to His timing, and His timing was this past week. I'm very grateful for this blessing.

We were also able to give another blessing this week. One of the sisters in our zone has been a little homesick and requested a blessing of comfort. I was once again grateful to be worthy to serve as the Lord would have me do.

Thank you for the dear elder I was so very glad to hear from you and to hear that you are doing so incredibly well. Please send me your email address so I can email you directly in response to your questions. Thank you! I wish you all the best!

My Chinese is still coming along well. I feel that my purpose here at the MTC is much more to help and serve those around me than to learn the language, and so, God has blessed me to be able to learn the language very quickly. I'm grateful for this blessing and for this opportunity to serve.

Throughout my stay at the MTC I have really come to realize that everyone is in need of and deserving of love and help. Despite the messages they may send, they are going through something. They need a friend. They need a smile. Reach out. It's what the Savior would do. I promise, as you do this, your own concerns will be forgotten. 

At the invitation of a friend of mine, I had the opportunity to listen to a talk written by President Benson (I think...) and read by President Hinckley entitled "Beware of Pride." Basically, everything bad that has ever happened in the world has been tied to pride; it is, in essence, the opposite of the "Character of Christ" described by Elder Bednar. There are many ways to dispel pride, but one of the best is to lose yourself in the service of others--to do as the Savior would, to do the will of the Father.

This is a rather special/unique time in my life for reflection. As I look back, I am increasingly grateful each passing day for the blessings and direction I have received. I'm grateful for all who have helped me, the trials I have faced, and the experiences I have had that have shaped me into the person I am today. I'm grateful for the family I was born into. I'm grateful for the knowledge of the gospel and the glorious opportunity I have to share it with the world. I'm grateful for all of you and your continued love and support. There is so much to be grateful for. Without God, I am nothing.

We're excited to meet the new missionaries in our zone tonight. We've planned an orientation and tour for them. We've already started praying for and love them. It's an exciting time. We were trying to figure out what we might do to make it fun for them. Ideas included spinning a tissue box with an arrow on one end to see who's turn it was to speak, meet outside on the lawn, etc. We came to the conclusion that these things only sounded fun to us because we've been at the mtc for six weeks and that they would probably think we were crazy or something. So...we'll just smile and answer their questions--try to make them feel comfortable and loved.

TRC was astounding! We taught one member about church attendance this week. He had the most amazing testimony of going to church every week as there was a time of depression in his life when he had stopped attending for a time. We were really able to help him come unto Christ, and he was able to help us too. All were edified. We also did a Skype TRC this week with a member in Los Angeles. Due to tech. issues we only had about 10 minutes, but it was a good experience. It's possible we could end up teaching someone from Taiwan or other parts of the world.

We also hosted senior missionaries this week. It was a treat to meet with and serve them. We may have even been tipped with banana bread at one point... 

We said goodbye to three districts this week. It was hard to part, but I know we will meet again whether in this life or the next, so we survived...barely.

departing districts

We're implementing temple reverence after 10:15 P.M. in the residence halls. When the new elders come in, we will have missionaries on three different floors instead of a single hallway. For the sake of the new missionaries and the new zone leaders being able to maintain their sanity, we felt this was the way to go.

I ran into Elder Grant Waddell this week! It was a joyful meeting indeed. It's a little odd to think that he came in this past Wednesday and will be shipping out before I do, but it truly is wonderful to have another friend from home here at the MTC. I told him I'd be happy to help if he had any questions/concerns (I've got a little experience with regards to life at the MTC at this point...). ;)

I'm working to fear God more than man in word and in deed. It's coming along well. There's really no need for fear when we trust God. I've noticed that people don't come to me to share a joke or just to hang out all to often, but when someone is in need, they trust me enough to come to me, talk with me, work with me. This is much more important to me. I'm grateful to be able to serve the Lord in this capacity.

We also got our new tags this week in all Mandarin. They're pretty cool, but we aren't allowed to wear them around campus as we would be unidentifiable by the vast majority.

New tag

I started my own "bye-bye shu (book)" this week, but I called mine an "until we meet book(only in Chinese)." When members of the zone leave, we all sign each others' books, write a message to them, and leave our emails. I really enjoy signing others' books and being able to tell them how much I appreciate their efforts while also leaving bits of advice offered to me over time by those who know best :) I chose to call mine an "until we meet book" because, whether we meet again in this life, we know that we will live again with one another in the next life. This great truth brings joy and comfort to all who accept it. I'm grateful for this knowledge in my life.

I got a second sticker in addition to the one that says "smile." This one bears the message "you are loved" three times. It's a good reminder in times of discouragement that, well, there's no need for discouragement. God will always love me. He will always love you. He wants what's best for me much as He wants what's best for you. Trust Him. I know I can trust Him. I'm on His errand; He is with me always. I also like that the message is repeated three times to remind me that He loves everyone and that I should too. God loves every single person on this planet. It's true. He loves you. Knowing this makes it much easier to see and treat others as the Savior would.

New sticker

The devotional last night was provided by Bishop W. Christopher Waddell. He spoke on the difference between being on a mission and serving a mission. It's all about service. This isn't something He said, but rather something that the Spirit taught me: 

Allow Him (God) to take you where you want to go. Seek His will.

He loves us perfectly. His plan for us is always better than our plan for us. I know that as I lose myself in His service I will find the greatest joy possible in this life.

It is the same for you. 

I didn't get to say everything amazing that happened this week, but I trust I covered what was of greatest importance.

All is well.

Elder Dickson

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