Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Week 9 in Taoyuan

Things are good; they really are. I just said goodbye to the Beutlers. They're a senior couple I served with back in Hualian; they were a great strength to me in those trying first few weeks. Now they're heading back to the states in the morning. Oh, how time does fly. They've served well, and I'm just grateful to have had the opportunity to serve alongside them.

I'm thrilled for Benjamin. He will be baptized this weekend, and I'll be going up to Beitou to see him. We're also excited to go to the temple a little later today.

 At our YSA dodge-ball activity
With my good friend who is now an AP in Taipai
I haven't been doing a very good job of writing in my journal this past week, but in short, it's just been go go go. I've only been around Elder Smith for the length of English class on Wednesday night of last week, zone conference on Thursday, and church on Sunday. At all other times, we were off on exchanges with one companionship or another. I've been blessed to learn a great deal in the process and enjoyed my time with each of the wonderful missionaries we are blessed to work with. I also realized just how great Elder Smith is. He's just about the most patient, humble, loving man I've come to know, and yet I feel I often don't do or say enough to fully thank and appreciate him for all he does. I'm grateful for him, his constant support, and his loving example. I've also been impressed with our ward. I won't go into a lot of detail, but they are outstanding examples of standing strong in the face of opposition or difficulty and keeping a good attitude all the while. I love them. 
With Elder Christiansen on exchange in Yingge
 French toast with Elder Smith

We met Vladjimmy this past week. He's a college student from Haiti who doesn't speak the language after struggling to learn for the past 8 months. His friends and family are quite literally a world away, and he's not accepted for who he is. He is a trooper! I am immensely grateful to have come to know him and to be able to help him come to know God. 
Making Moon Cakes


Zone Conference was superb this past week. I was inspired by the training on faith and on trusting in the Lord. We read the story of Caleb and Joshua who went with the other representatives of the tribes of Israel to scout out the promised land. The ten were terrified of the people inhabiting the land and cried that it was madness for them to go forward. On the contrary, Caleb and Joshua remembered that which the Lord had already done for them in delivering them out of Egypt and bringing them through the wilderness and maintained that with the Lord on their side they could do anything He willed them to do. They did not fear because they had faith. We then read of the stripling warriors in the Book of Mormon. I was moved as it was pointed out to me that they assembled themselves together after they saw the trials and sufferings of their brethren, and they volunteered themselves to go out in defense of their families, their liberties, and their God. Not only this, but they chose Helaman as their leader. They chose the Prophet of the Living God. This says a great deal about what sort of men these young boys were. He wasn't necessarily the biggest guy with the most experience in battle, but they put their trust in a prophet, and by doing so they put their trust in God. You know the rest: Not a one of them perished. We're so very blessed to have living prophets and apostles in our day. I invite you to take the time this weekend to listen to a prophet of God. I know as we do so we need not fear. As we stand with God, we will not fall. To see General Conference and Hear the words of living prophets and apostles go to the link: General Conference

I love you all! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 8 in Taoyuan

 Pizza and Dodgeball on P-day

I miss granola bars

We went out to Dayuan for a lesson this past week. We were grateful to a member for driving us all the way out to the beach almost. As we drove and talked, I was hit with a realization of just how much I've come to love Taiwan. I remember everything seemed so foreign upon arrival, but it's really become something of a home away from home. It's a beautiful place. The food is delicious, and above all, the people of Taiwan are so very kind and welcoming. They're simply good and wish to do good.
We had something of a rougher day this past week. Before going to bed that night, Elder Smith and I went up to the roof of our building. I laid on my back and just stared up at the clouds passing overhead. I felt at peace as I imagined God watching from just the other side. He felt so very near, and it helped me put everything into perspective. I know He knows and loves us. He's aware of our needs, struggles, and dreams and is actively working on our behalf. We need only trust Him and give it our best. Things work out in the end.

On the roof of our building


I'm going to start writing my journal and emails differently. A lot happened this past week. I struggled to get everything recorded in my journal, but I managed to cover things pretty well. However, upon going back to read what I had written, I found that in an effort to cover everything, I really kind of covered nothing. There wasn't a lot of substance to what I had written; it was more like a log of events than anything truly meaningful or interesting. Each one of those events had huge backstories or lessons learned and miracles witnessed, but I just didn't get that far.

Lunch with Beck

the college in our area (we're there more now that school is in session)

I've decided it's a bit like snorkeling vs. scuba diving. In snorkeling you cover a lot more ground, but your experience is limited to the shallow waters at the surface. Scuba diving on the other hand may prevent you from covering as much of the surface, but you trade that for the hidden treasures treasures found only at the ocean floor far below. I'm going to try to choose one or two things that happen each day and write about them in more detail including thoughts, feelings, and simply making it meaningful in this way. As I thought about this analogy, I decided it also applies to life.
I feel like I've always lived for the future. I've worked to prepare for the mission, for college, future work, and family above all else, but I feel I could do a better job of finding joy in the journey while still investing my all in the future. I think this can be done by diving into the present: taking real interest in the lives of the people we meet instead of having a conversation I've had a couple thousand times. I've also had more meaningful prayers lately. I've focused on the specifics of the day (what I'm grateful for and what I really need help with in the near future). It's brought a new light into my life as I've worked to dive into the present and enjoy the world the Lord created for us. I've also had better studies as I've focused more on the Book of Mormon as the center of my study. It's helped me keep the Savior at the center of my thoughts and actions.
In short, all is well. I'm still doing a lot of learning and growing each and everyday. Things are never really easy, but it's worth it. And with the Lord on our side, we can never truly fail. I love you all! Thank you for your love and support. See Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."

All is well,
Elder Dickson

Monday, September 11, 2017

Week 7 in Taoyuan

大家好!P-day was good last week. The majority of the zone got together for quad ball, b-ball, and board games. (The plan is to play dodgeball today.) We saw a lot of miracles that P-day night: met with Wendy, the recent convert with the most incredible faith ever, and Candy, her son, who committed to meet with missionaries in Douliu (southern Taiwan), Bo Hao, Yu Jie, and Ding Zhi waved us down off the street and asked when they could meet again as things have been rough as of late, Albert and Gladys who we hadn't seen in some time also crossed our path and we were able to set up to meet again this past week, finally, we met with Samuel who has progressed so much in such a short time for the last time. He's going off to the island of Penghu for college; we'll miss him, but we're excited to see him continue to learn and grow. We said goodbye to a couple of other investigators going off to college. I'm grateful to the missionaries who will be taking over their care.

With some students at a school we were invited to do a presentation at. It made me feel really old as the students were Freshmen in high school. I thought they were in middle school, but it was a special experience both culturally and spiritually.

Samuel and I

Elder Smith's cool instrument

 I'm super excited for Benjamin from Beitou; his baptism is in just a couple of weeks now! Transfers was this past week. Elder Smith and I are staying together, but we had to say goodbye to our good friend and brother, Elder Raley. He's still nearby and we'll be seeing him a little later today. Elder Chang張 and Elder Weatherston have also moved into the zone! I learned some valuable lessons from Elder Heaton and Elder Weatherston this past week about caring for our investigators (just taking the time to really get to know/understand them and being a friend by taking interest in their lives and following up with time each day). As I've worked to improve in these areas this past week, we've been blessed to see many a miracle and I've found greater joy in my missionary service.

Me and the rhinos

There have been some rougher times these past few weeks, but I've been able to find joy in the journey as I've worked to focus on those around me. I love the talk given by President Uchtdorf entitled "Perfect Love Casteth out all Fear"  and know it to be true. We had a good lesson with an investigator I've never personally shared with before. He's had an onslaught of difficulties and trials in his life lately. As I testified to him of God's love for him and told him that God certainly had a reason behind all of it, the Spirit hit me and testified to me of these truths so easily forgotten in the midst of everything. God really does love us. He loves me and He loves you. All present may have shed a tear a two, but it was what we all needed and all were uplifted. I'm excited to meet with him again tomorrow.

 Quadball with the zone last P-day

Juabings and more great food

One of my new favorite breakfasts introduced to me by Elder Raley (oats with Papaya milk)

Our new planners for the tripanionship (like the three wisemen or something...)

 It was a warm week. At times it got to be over 100 degrees + humidity + city heat + the fires of Taiwanese ghost month...yeah, it got pretty warm at times. I also got to go to court this past week. It was a point of stress for me, but everything went smoothly and the Lord was with me. I was only going as a witness anyway, but it was still a new experience. I was grateful for the gift of tongues this past week that helps us missionaries pick up Chinese so quickly; I tried having a conversation with a Japanese businessman. Despite our best efforts, we really only ended up playing a rather amusing game of charades over the course of the bus ride. However, I think I managed to commit him to say hi to the missionaries in Japan. Fun stuff :) We had an investigator with some concerns about keeping some of the commandments this past week. I honestly felt like some of his excuses were pretty comical and nothing but excuses. As I later reflected on it, I realized we all do it. We justify our sins and shortcomings all the time when all we need do is recognize it for what it is and repent. The Savior has already paid for it. We only need accept His sacrifice on our behalf.

Things are good here in Taiwan. All will be well in the end. We need only have faith and take those next steps into the dark. Thank you for your continued love and support. Stand with the Savior and you cannot fail. We need not fear. All is well. 一切好!

I love you all! 

Elder Dickson 丁長老

Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 6 in Taoyuan in a tripanionship

I'm grateful for how wonderful things are going for my family back home. I know God is watching over them in my absence. I guess nothing has really changed, but it's much easier to recognize the Lord's hand in things from the outside looking in.

Lunch with companions:
The three of us, until transfers this week and then we'll see what happens

I love spreading happiness. We visited a family with three young daughters from Elder Raley's ward this past week. Upon arrival, they wouldn't even talk to us, but before we left they shouted out "See you Sunday!" and gave us some flowers they handpicked. It's a blessing to see the gospel change people no matter how big or small that change may be.

I was thinking about it this past week and I realized I can't imagine trying to make the transition into "adult life" without the miracle of the mission. I feel like the mission has changed me in so many ways for the better and taught how to go about life. I feel like it would be almost painful to try to make that transition without the lessons I've been blessed to learn throughout the course of my mission. The best part is I've still got a great deal to learn and always will.

With Beck after visiting Ethan

With "Banana Boy" 

I learned something new about myself this week while teaching English class. I hadn't been able to teach for a few weeks due to the many missionaries here in Taoyuan, but I was able to teach at Elder Raley's chapel this past week and realized just how much I love teaching. I really truly enjoy it. I always imagined I would be an architect after the mission (and may still be), but it's very possible I might go for a route as a teacher of some sort.

Elder Smith and I also learned this past week that we made it on the news for when we helped change a tire. This is good since everyone here watches the news with a passion.

I had a really trying day this past week on Thursday. Everything fell through, but that wasn't really what had me down. It was kind of a mix of health concerns, trying to cover two proselyting areas, and feeling like there are yet so many things I could improve on. It was weird how quickly things changed from everything being wonderful on Wednesday to so difficult the following day. However, things got better and will only continue to do so.

The missionary leadership council was this past week. I learned a ton and was glad to see some old friends. I learned of some opportunities to serve and of the results of some service I had previously rendered that helped me feel better. Ethan is doing great. Beck and I went to teach him one night, and he's progressing really well now. I also found comfort in the Book of Mormon.  see 2 Nephi 25:17 "And the Lord will set his hand again the second time to restore his people from their lost and fallen state. Wherefore, he will proceed to do a marvelous work and a wonder among the children of men."

I got to read a letter I wrote to myself a year ago. It really just served to remind me how quickly time is passing. We had a pretty crazy night on Saturday involving a flat tire, rain, and a long walk home. I also got a court summons to act as a witness for the incident I witnessed in Beitou a while back. I'm not sure I'll have to go yet, but it'll work out. Transfers is this next week. It's always something of a miracle to see the Lord direct His work at transfers time. The Atonement is a great comfort. Things are not so bad. I'm happy to be here in the Lord's service. I love my mission!

I love you all! Prayers are greatly appreciated! Have the best week! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson