Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 6 in Taoyuan in a tripanionship

I'm grateful for how wonderful things are going for my family back home. I know God is watching over them in my absence. I guess nothing has really changed, but it's much easier to recognize the Lord's hand in things from the outside looking in.

Lunch with companions:
The three of us, until transfers this week and then we'll see what happens

I love spreading happiness. We visited a family with three young daughters from Elder Raley's ward this past week. Upon arrival, they wouldn't even talk to us, but before we left they shouted out "See you Sunday!" and gave us some flowers they handpicked. It's a blessing to see the gospel change people no matter how big or small that change may be.

I was thinking about it this past week and I realized I can't imagine trying to make the transition into "adult life" without the miracle of the mission. I feel like the mission has changed me in so many ways for the better and taught how to go about life. I feel like it would be almost painful to try to make that transition without the lessons I've been blessed to learn throughout the course of my mission. The best part is I've still got a great deal to learn and always will.

With Beck after visiting Ethan

With "Banana Boy" 

I learned something new about myself this week while teaching English class. I hadn't been able to teach for a few weeks due to the many missionaries here in Taoyuan, but I was able to teach at Elder Raley's chapel this past week and realized just how much I love teaching. I really truly enjoy it. I always imagined I would be an architect after the mission (and may still be), but it's very possible I might go for a route as a teacher of some sort.

Elder Smith and I also learned this past week that we made it on the news for when we helped change a tire. This is good since everyone here watches the news with a passion.

I had a really trying day this past week on Thursday. Everything fell through, but that wasn't really what had me down. It was kind of a mix of health concerns, trying to cover two proselyting areas, and feeling like there are yet so many things I could improve on. It was weird how quickly things changed from everything being wonderful on Wednesday to so difficult the following day. However, things got better and will only continue to do so.

The missionary leadership council was this past week. I learned a ton and was glad to see some old friends. I learned of some opportunities to serve and of the results of some service I had previously rendered that helped me feel better. Ethan is doing great. Beck and I went to teach him one night, and he's progressing really well now. I also found comfort in the Book of Mormon.  see 2 Nephi 25:17 "And the Lord will set his hand again the second time to restore his people from their lost and fallen state. Wherefore, he will proceed to do a marvelous work and a wonder among the children of men."

I got to read a letter I wrote to myself a year ago. It really just served to remind me how quickly time is passing. We had a pretty crazy night on Saturday involving a flat tire, rain, and a long walk home. I also got a court summons to act as a witness for the incident I witnessed in Beitou a while back. I'm not sure I'll have to go yet, but it'll work out. Transfers is this next week. It's always something of a miracle to see the Lord direct His work at transfers time. The Atonement is a great comfort. Things are not so bad. I'm happy to be here in the Lord's service. I love my mission!

I love you all! Prayers are greatly appreciated! Have the best week! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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