Monday, September 11, 2017

Week 7 in Taoyuan

大家好!P-day was good last week. The majority of the zone got together for quad ball, b-ball, and board games. (The plan is to play dodgeball today.) We saw a lot of miracles that P-day night: met with Wendy, the recent convert with the most incredible faith ever, and Candy, her son, who committed to meet with missionaries in Douliu (southern Taiwan), Bo Hao, Yu Jie, and Ding Zhi waved us down off the street and asked when they could meet again as things have been rough as of late, Albert and Gladys who we hadn't seen in some time also crossed our path and we were able to set up to meet again this past week, finally, we met with Samuel who has progressed so much in such a short time for the last time. He's going off to the island of Penghu for college; we'll miss him, but we're excited to see him continue to learn and grow. We said goodbye to a couple of other investigators going off to college. I'm grateful to the missionaries who will be taking over their care.

With some students at a school we were invited to do a presentation at. It made me feel really old as the students were Freshmen in high school. I thought they were in middle school, but it was a special experience both culturally and spiritually.

Samuel and I

Elder Smith's cool instrument

 I'm super excited for Benjamin from Beitou; his baptism is in just a couple of weeks now! Transfers was this past week. Elder Smith and I are staying together, but we had to say goodbye to our good friend and brother, Elder Raley. He's still nearby and we'll be seeing him a little later today. Elder Chang張 and Elder Weatherston have also moved into the zone! I learned some valuable lessons from Elder Heaton and Elder Weatherston this past week about caring for our investigators (just taking the time to really get to know/understand them and being a friend by taking interest in their lives and following up with time each day). As I've worked to improve in these areas this past week, we've been blessed to see many a miracle and I've found greater joy in my missionary service.

Me and the rhinos

There have been some rougher times these past few weeks, but I've been able to find joy in the journey as I've worked to focus on those around me. I love the talk given by President Uchtdorf entitled "Perfect Love Casteth out all Fear"  and know it to be true. We had a good lesson with an investigator I've never personally shared with before. He's had an onslaught of difficulties and trials in his life lately. As I testified to him of God's love for him and told him that God certainly had a reason behind all of it, the Spirit hit me and testified to me of these truths so easily forgotten in the midst of everything. God really does love us. He loves me and He loves you. All present may have shed a tear a two, but it was what we all needed and all were uplifted. I'm excited to meet with him again tomorrow.

 Quadball with the zone last P-day

Juabings and more great food

One of my new favorite breakfasts introduced to me by Elder Raley (oats with Papaya milk)

Our new planners for the tripanionship (like the three wisemen or something...)

 It was a warm week. At times it got to be over 100 degrees + humidity + city heat + the fires of Taiwanese ghost month...yeah, it got pretty warm at times. I also got to go to court this past week. It was a point of stress for me, but everything went smoothly and the Lord was with me. I was only going as a witness anyway, but it was still a new experience. I was grateful for the gift of tongues this past week that helps us missionaries pick up Chinese so quickly; I tried having a conversation with a Japanese businessman. Despite our best efforts, we really only ended up playing a rather amusing game of charades over the course of the bus ride. However, I think I managed to commit him to say hi to the missionaries in Japan. Fun stuff :) We had an investigator with some concerns about keeping some of the commandments this past week. I honestly felt like some of his excuses were pretty comical and nothing but excuses. As I later reflected on it, I realized we all do it. We justify our sins and shortcomings all the time when all we need do is recognize it for what it is and repent. The Savior has already paid for it. We only need accept His sacrifice on our behalf.

Things are good here in Taiwan. All will be well in the end. We need only have faith and take those next steps into the dark. Thank you for your continued love and support. Stand with the Savior and you cannot fail. We need not fear. All is well. 一切好!

I love you all! 

Elder Dickson 丁長老

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