Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 8 in Taoyuan

 Pizza and Dodgeball on P-day

I miss granola bars

We went out to Dayuan for a lesson this past week. We were grateful to a member for driving us all the way out to the beach almost. As we drove and talked, I was hit with a realization of just how much I've come to love Taiwan. I remember everything seemed so foreign upon arrival, but it's really become something of a home away from home. It's a beautiful place. The food is delicious, and above all, the people of Taiwan are so very kind and welcoming. They're simply good and wish to do good.
We had something of a rougher day this past week. Before going to bed that night, Elder Smith and I went up to the roof of our building. I laid on my back and just stared up at the clouds passing overhead. I felt at peace as I imagined God watching from just the other side. He felt so very near, and it helped me put everything into perspective. I know He knows and loves us. He's aware of our needs, struggles, and dreams and is actively working on our behalf. We need only trust Him and give it our best. Things work out in the end.

On the roof of our building


I'm going to start writing my journal and emails differently. A lot happened this past week. I struggled to get everything recorded in my journal, but I managed to cover things pretty well. However, upon going back to read what I had written, I found that in an effort to cover everything, I really kind of covered nothing. There wasn't a lot of substance to what I had written; it was more like a log of events than anything truly meaningful or interesting. Each one of those events had huge backstories or lessons learned and miracles witnessed, but I just didn't get that far.

Lunch with Beck

the college in our area (we're there more now that school is in session)

I've decided it's a bit like snorkeling vs. scuba diving. In snorkeling you cover a lot more ground, but your experience is limited to the shallow waters at the surface. Scuba diving on the other hand may prevent you from covering as much of the surface, but you trade that for the hidden treasures treasures found only at the ocean floor far below. I'm going to try to choose one or two things that happen each day and write about them in more detail including thoughts, feelings, and simply making it meaningful in this way. As I thought about this analogy, I decided it also applies to life.
I feel like I've always lived for the future. I've worked to prepare for the mission, for college, future work, and family above all else, but I feel I could do a better job of finding joy in the journey while still investing my all in the future. I think this can be done by diving into the present: taking real interest in the lives of the people we meet instead of having a conversation I've had a couple thousand times. I've also had more meaningful prayers lately. I've focused on the specifics of the day (what I'm grateful for and what I really need help with in the near future). It's brought a new light into my life as I've worked to dive into the present and enjoy the world the Lord created for us. I've also had better studies as I've focused more on the Book of Mormon as the center of my study. It's helped me keep the Savior at the center of my thoughts and actions.
In short, all is well. I'm still doing a lot of learning and growing each and everyday. Things are never really easy, but it's worth it. And with the Lord on our side, we can never truly fail. I love you all! Thank you for your love and support. See Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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