Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Week 9 in Taoyuan

Things are good; they really are. I just said goodbye to the Beutlers. They're a senior couple I served with back in Hualian; they were a great strength to me in those trying first few weeks. Now they're heading back to the states in the morning. Oh, how time does fly. They've served well, and I'm just grateful to have had the opportunity to serve alongside them.

I'm thrilled for Benjamin. He will be baptized this weekend, and I'll be going up to Beitou to see him. We're also excited to go to the temple a little later today.

 At our YSA dodge-ball activity
With my good friend who is now an AP in Taipai
I haven't been doing a very good job of writing in my journal this past week, but in short, it's just been go go go. I've only been around Elder Smith for the length of English class on Wednesday night of last week, zone conference on Thursday, and church on Sunday. At all other times, we were off on exchanges with one companionship or another. I've been blessed to learn a great deal in the process and enjoyed my time with each of the wonderful missionaries we are blessed to work with. I also realized just how great Elder Smith is. He's just about the most patient, humble, loving man I've come to know, and yet I feel I often don't do or say enough to fully thank and appreciate him for all he does. I'm grateful for him, his constant support, and his loving example. I've also been impressed with our ward. I won't go into a lot of detail, but they are outstanding examples of standing strong in the face of opposition or difficulty and keeping a good attitude all the while. I love them. 
With Elder Christiansen on exchange in Yingge
 French toast with Elder Smith

We met Vladjimmy this past week. He's a college student from Haiti who doesn't speak the language after struggling to learn for the past 8 months. His friends and family are quite literally a world away, and he's not accepted for who he is. He is a trooper! I am immensely grateful to have come to know him and to be able to help him come to know God. 
Making Moon Cakes


Zone Conference was superb this past week. I was inspired by the training on faith and on trusting in the Lord. We read the story of Caleb and Joshua who went with the other representatives of the tribes of Israel to scout out the promised land. The ten were terrified of the people inhabiting the land and cried that it was madness for them to go forward. On the contrary, Caleb and Joshua remembered that which the Lord had already done for them in delivering them out of Egypt and bringing them through the wilderness and maintained that with the Lord on their side they could do anything He willed them to do. They did not fear because they had faith. We then read of the stripling warriors in the Book of Mormon. I was moved as it was pointed out to me that they assembled themselves together after they saw the trials and sufferings of their brethren, and they volunteered themselves to go out in defense of their families, their liberties, and their God. Not only this, but they chose Helaman as their leader. They chose the Prophet of the Living God. This says a great deal about what sort of men these young boys were. He wasn't necessarily the biggest guy with the most experience in battle, but they put their trust in a prophet, and by doing so they put their trust in God. You know the rest: Not a one of them perished. We're so very blessed to have living prophets and apostles in our day. I invite you to take the time this weekend to listen to a prophet of God. I know as we do so we need not fear. As we stand with God, we will not fall. To see General Conference and Hear the words of living prophets and apostles go to the link: General Conference

I love you all! 

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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