Monday, January 8, 2018

Week 6 in Xizhi: The week President Monson passed away

A rare sunny day here in Xizhi



Ancient Taiwanese Cure for my illness

At Chili's in Taiwan

Language study

Good food and Elder Steffan

large bug

We were sad to hear of the passing of President Monson this past week. I remember attending General Conference a couple of years back. My seat was positioned so as to allow me to see the doorway through which the Prophet would enter. Granted my seat was roughly 2 football stadiums away. Regardless, the moment I saw his foot come through the doorway, I felt it was him. Upon entering the room my eyes confirmed what the Spirit had already told me. He was the Lord's Prophet on the earth with the authority to speak and act in the name of God. I'm grateful for prophets and the role they play in helping us come unto Christ. You can check out to learn more about prophets and of their importance in our lives.

Pictures from Christmas

It was a pleasant surprise to see an old friend at the Recent Convert Fireside this weekend. Terry came and brought his wife as well.

With Terry and his wife

I recalled that at his baptism he spoke briefly about his decision to be baptized. He shared how each of the missionaries and members who taught him said at one point or another that the decision to be baptized was the best of their lives. He then added his own witness by saying his decision to be baptized was the greatest of his life. We've currently got a friend who's told us he's excited about his upcoming baptism. It's something for us to think about. What does it mean to us to be a follower of Christ? Do we see our decision to follow Him as the greatest decision we've ever made?

Transfers is this next week. As always we don't know what to expect, but I trust the Lord and His will. 

Laser Tag with the 中壢 District was fun today. It was especially good to see Elder Chang and Elder Alexander. 

Post laser tag pictures

Thank you for everything!

All is well,
Elder Reed Dickson

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