Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Week 9 in Xizhi

Today was our temple day. It was a strengthening and renewing experience to be back in the House of the Lord. I was given direction for the future and comforted in my present circumstances. All is indeed well.

Ward trip

Beitou Hot Springs

Derek's Curry

I would like to share a bit from a talk delivered by the East Taipei Stake President. It was centered around Isaiah 10:15.

"Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood."

I would like to highlight three points he brought out.

1. We must not be prideful.
God has created us and given us all we have and are. As we recognize Him as the source of our everything, we will be blessed in abundance and find peace in Christ.

2. We need to be a good axe.
If we are to be of any use, we need to maintain our sharpness. This can be done through praying often with real intent; studying the word of God found in the Bible, Book of Mormon, and all other scripture including that provided by living prophets; and by keeping the Sabbath Day holy.

3. One axe is insufficient.
One axe is not going to fell a least not anytime soon. We are all needed in the work of the Lord. Regardless of your current situation--challenges, weaknesses, fears, or anything else--you have a part to play in the work of the Lord.

Time is short. I'll write more Monday. Have the best day ever! And remember to keep your axe sharp and swinging!

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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