Friday, January 19, 2018

Week 7 in Xizhi

A great friend

The Taipei Temple

Brother Liu's Baptism

It was wonderful to see an old friend back in Taoyuan enter into the waters of baptism this past week. He's a strong one.

Transfers came and nothing changed for us. Elder Steffen and I have been blessed with another 6 weeks together here in Xizhi. Though transfers did make me a grandpa as Elder Raley is now training a son. 

Saturday English Scavenger Hunt: G is for Glasses

With Elder Omer (a legend and a good friend)

Ikea's finest

We've recently been blessed with many opportunities to teach the commandments as our investigators have progressed to that point. It's interesting to see varied reactions in response to our teaching. In short, commandments are directions given to us from our loving Father in Heaven; they're directions from a loving parent. Just as parents counsel their young not to touch a hot stove or to look both ways before crossing the street, God gives us counsel for our benefit and safety. Ultimately, the choice is still our own as to whether or not we will touch the stove. However, the consequences that follow are definite.

I was impressed with the faith and obedience of a family we're teaching. We started teaching them just after I moved here to 汐止 roughly 6 weeks ago, but he had previously met missionaries at Temple Square way back in the summer months. As we were sharing some of the simple commandments, he indicated he had a question. He asked about the Word of Wisdom (God's Law for our Health). We had yet to share it with them. In short, we are warned against the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, illegal drugs, and any other substance harmful to our bodies and also encouraged to eat lots of veggies, fruits, and things. He asked which teas were and were not okay for consumption as tea is a staple of Taiwan and comes in many varieties. The answer is that as long as the tea isn't made from actual tea leaves, it's generally okay.  This leaves a lot of options open here in Taiwan (my personal favorite is the Wintermelon Tea with a couple scoops of ice cream to top it off). However, this faithful family had forgone consumption of all tea products including those okay to drink from the time the father ran into missionaries back in the summer. Without questioning, he obeyed the commandments according to his level of understanding. I'm shocked he never asked sooner, and I'm amazed by their willingness to trust God.

It's amazing really. God is our Father. He loves us perfectly. He loves us unconditionally. His greatest desire is that which is best for us. Now consider His characteristic of being all-knowing. Hmm...seems like trusting Him might be in our best interest.

I'm grateful for commandments. I personally love to view them as opportunities to be blessed. As I've lived in accordance with His commandments, I have been blessed time and time again. I invite you to try it yourself. Some simple commandments are to simply pray often and study the scriptures. I know as you strive to keep God's commandments you will have His blessing.

I love you all! Have the best week! No really...the very best of your life.

The opportunity to teach via skype :)

All is well,
Elder Dickson

A beautiful building here

Wet places make messes!

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