Monday, March 12, 2018

Week 15 in Xizhi: a trip to Jiufen

It's been a good day. A member took us up north to Jiufen. It was beautiful and relaxing. 

Pictures of Jiufen

Yin Yang in the water

My dad shared some of his remarks from speaking in church this past week, and they really hit home as I reflected on my own experience. He spoke on the "checklist" approach to things (particularly prayer, scriptures study, and other things more spiritual in nature, though it is applicable in all aspects of life) where we do things because we're supposed to and just to get them out of the way. The problem is, we don't do things near so well and there will always be something to fill the place of that which we've completed. The work is never "done." It's when we act with the intent of learning, growing, or lifting another that even the most mundane of tasks take on new meaning and will lead to real growth and change in our natures. I figured a lot of this out at some point on the path I've walked these past 2 years, and I have felt a distinct difference. I am much happier in daily living as I do right things for the right reasons. Sincere communication with a loving Father in Heaven brings with it great power and a peace independent of your surroundings. On the contrary, a variant of a prayer you've said 1000 times uttered only for the sake of being in a habit of so doing may not be the best use of our time or efforts. That which you do, you might as well do well. It's a lot better and more fulfilling in my experience to do less and do more in so doing. When we get wrapped up doing every good thing that comes our way, we miss out on many of the better and best things in this world. 

Member from Duke on spring vacation

I continue to be enchanted by the quality of the members here in Taiwan: their sheer goodness, love for God, and willingness to sacrifice. It simply blows me away time and time again. And it's not unique to Taiwan. There's many a member from my home ward in Cape Girardeau who fall under similar labels. It's just a blessing to see the Lord do His perfect work through imperfect people such as you and I. Those who enter into the Lord's service never come out of it the way they went in. Much is gained when you give everything.

We exchanged with the zone leaders again this past week (Elder Fredenberg's first exchange). We saw many a miracle to the point we didn't know whether to sing or to laugh. We did both. Despite the incessant rain characteristic of Northeastern Taiwan, we had a blast during those 24 hours. We saw the hand of the Lord again and again. We even ended up meeting a man off the street named's simply not a very common name. Anyway, we had a good time. I was also glad to play some ultimate Frisbee as it has been some time.

With the zone leaders

Enjoying American pudding (too sweet for me)

Taiwanese dessert

New Investigators came down to miracles again this week. Late last week we had an evening with not much planned and ended up on the street chatting with everyone and their dog only to be rejected in every instance. With only minutes left in the night, we made a last ditch effort to say hi to a kid on the side of the road. We outright asked if we could share with him about Jesus. He said yes. Not only have we been able to share with him, but he even came to church yesterday. Another evening we finished dinner with a minute or two left over. I sighed a breath of relief at the idea of resting my eyes a moment only to be prompted by my lively companion. Off we went to talk with whoever might cross our path. We ended up talking with one man. He was the happiest most optimistic guy I've met in some time. He couldn't stop laughing at his own jokes and I couldn't help but grin. He also ended up meeting with us a day or two after that encounter and we'll see him again tomorrow. Finally, we had an awkward 15 minute window one night with no particular plan. We prayed about where we might go and were off again. We ended up pulling two individuals over at stoplights. Both were happy and willing to talk about the Savior and one set up for the following day. He's in a preparation to hear the word.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

I mean it too. Smile. All really is well :)

Our district with Snoopy

More pictures from the zoo last week (from Elder Lawrence)

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